
Open Flash Chart / News: Recent posts

Back on line!

I now have internet IN MY HOUSE!!!!!11!1!one

This is v.v.very exciting. Almost finished the next version. No new charts, but now you don't need a separate data URL and tooltips are even sexier than before

Posted by monk.e.boy 2007-11-01

Off Line!

I have move house and have no phone line and no internet :-) can you believe it? I was amazed to find that people still live off grid. Anyway, that means I have lots of time to code, but very little time to email people. The best way to keep in contact is through the forums here. I can browse these from my friends computer. Keep posting bug reports and patches! If you have any artistic skill please post screen shots of your charts or ideas for pretty bar charts. Cheers! monk.e.boy

Posted by monk.e.boy 2007-09-06

Name change

sourceforge only allows a maximum of 15 characters for the project name. We have decided to change the project from o-flash-chart, to openflashchart.

All the URLs and SVN names have been changed.


Posted by monk.e.boy 2007-07-28

Sourceforge agree to host our project!

Open Flash Chart has been accepted by! w00t!

Please be patient while we transfer all the source code and downloads over. This is my first project to be hosted here, so it may take me a while to get the hang of being administrator! will continue being the primary source of documentation and examples for the time being.


monk.e.boy and the Open Flash Chart team.

Posted by monk.e.boy 2007-07-18