
#124 states in addressese very


states in addresses are handled different in every location.

in Administration->Users:
Value is stored in the users-table with a max-length of 30

in Administration->Facilities:
Value is stored in the facilities-table with a max-length of 50

In Administration->Pharmacies:
Value is stored in the addresses-table (I suppose) with a max-length of 35

Further usage is not verified.

Fact is that configuration is always different and the usage is not clear at all.
In Administration->Practice the form allows a value with a length of 2 digits.
This seems applying to USA only and the ISO_3166-2-code for Indonesia is using 5 digits (

Furthermore in USA perhaps the 2 digit-codes can be used in Addresses as everyone knows what it means. In Indonesia this can't be expected and for Addresses the code had either to be translated by the system or the states had to be written in full length.

Additionally the usage of a text-field instead of a select is error-prone and should be changed in that kind that the used states or all states worldwide are saved in the database that they can be chosen by the users.

Target of a change should be:
1) normalizing of the length (automatically by point 2)
2) usage of the address-table for all addresses
3) Clear definition of usage: either full written or codes (ISO_3166-2)
4) if codes (ISO_3166-2) shall be used: implement option for automatic translation
5) include table with states, either with states worldwide or with local states that can be loaded from a repository especially for country-specific codes. Maybe automatic loading from a foreign source could be included.
6) Forms and templates should be adjusted that usage is always the same and applying to the chosen usage above.


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