
Roadmap Committee

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-06-13


    At the 6/8/2016 OEMR organization board meeting, it was decided to create a Roadmap Committee to begin looking at pursuing community driven roadmaps. There are 2 separate entities, the OpenEMR Project and the OEMR organization, which will have separate roadmaps. However, since the main goal of the OEMR organization is to the support the OpenEMR project, it makes sense to develop roadmaps for both of them in unison.

    The OEMR organization created a Roadmap Committee, which is open for anybody to join (you do not need to be a OEMR member; just let me know and I'll put you on the list):

    I've started a wiki page as a starting point for the roadmaps here:

    OEMR Organization
    OpenEMR Project


    Last edit: Brady Miller 2016-06-13
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-06-19


    I updated the OpenEMR roadmap. I basically used Matrix's roadmap as a starting point and added information regarding which items have already been completed or that have code undergoing code review.

    There are definitely items missing on the list and perhaps some that the community don't think belong on the list. Anyone, please feel free to post suggestions/recommendations here and will modify the roadmap accordingly:


    • Rod Roark

      Rod Roark - 2016-08-14

      In my view it's a no-brainer as to what the most important item is: refactor existing data access logic into a PHP data object model. I see Scott has taken on "Consolidate PHP libraries"... does this have any relation to that? Either way, help will be needed there and I can definitely offer guidance.


      • Matthew Vita

        Matthew Vita - 2016-08-14

        Hi Rod,

        Per the Modernization Roadmap, there is a project to refactor the codebase:

        You may find the following unassigned tasks to be relevant:

        • Demonstrate initial DAO/models using Zend ORM
        • Integrate models for all major objects (please break this up into separate tasks per object)



        Last edit: Matthew Vita 2016-08-14
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-08-14


    We are starting to get companies that wish to contribute to OpenEMR development and are asking what they can work on. Plan to use the roadmap to direct their resources towards projects:

    At this point, there isn't much stuff on there that either isn't being worked on or is vital. Please post suggestions on things that could be added to or improved in OpenEMR. I'll then update the roadmap and use this list for those companies to work on. Note this list is also what the OEMR organization will use when it has money to fund development.


  • Matthew Vita

    Matthew Vita - 2016-08-14

    @Rod, @Brady: should we merge this roadmap into the main one: ?


    • Rod Roark

      Rod Roark - 2016-08-14

      I would think merging makes sense, but Brady has been more involved in these so I'll let him answer.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-08-14


    Thanks for the input. I updated the roadmap to include the Modernization items (and also strategically placed links to the Modernization roadmap). It is nice keeping the Modernization roadmap separate because that is more of a project tracking tool that is focused on modernizing OpenEMR(whereas the standard roadmap is just a quick snapshot in order to quickly find things to work on (for volunteers, companies, and OEMR organization).

    Rod and Matthew, let me know if current Frameworks section covers your input.

    I also placed a ??? for the items that don't seem to belong on the roadmap. Let me know if think should keep those items on.

    And most importantly, are there any more items that should be added. There is at least 1 company that is looking for something to do(just starting with OpenEMR, so wouldn't make sense to do something for difficult like php data models) and at this point don't have anything there for them to work on.



    Last edit: Brady Miller 2016-08-14
  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2016-08-15

    Thanks Brady. Not sure I get the DAO reference. Isn't that Microsoft? Not really asking you, but whomever that came from. In any case we want a PHP solution.

    I dunno about the ??? stuff either. I guess it depends on who takes an interest and what they want to do.

    Not sure I agree that data models are beyond someone starting with OpenEMR. I can easily see someone doing research into one or more tables, learning how and where they are used, asking some questions and documenting a proposed approach for an object model. It would be a good way to learn some things quickly. Of course if you are also just learning PHP and SQL, then no.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2016-08-15

    Hi Rod,

    I think DAO was referring to the following:

    Regarding the data model, what would be a good table(set) to start with(ie. easiest one)?


  • Rod Roark

    Rod Roark - 2016-08-16

    Thanks Brady. How about the globals table or version table?


  • Matthew Vita

    Matthew Vita - 2016-08-16

    Brady hit the nail on the head. I was talking about data access object abstraction.


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