
Adding Room and Bed information

  • surya prakash

    surya prakash - 2011-03-30

    i would like to room and bed information to know where the patient is admitted, is it possible to do in this openemr… if it is possible give me some idea regarding that…. thank u in advance

  • Mukoya

    Mukoya - 2011-03-30

    People have been asking about inpatient features in openemr. The answer has always been that it is meant for ambulatory and not inpatient. However, I agree with you that inpatient centers might find it of help. I have even been thinking of a possible workflow for such centers.

    A (very)basic approach would be to create Layout Based Forms to collect information relevant to inpatients. You could then just comment in the "Plan" field of the regular encounter form "Admitted" or use the same form and type, "Admitted Ward 7, Rm 3 Bed 2" You could just have one (new) form for all info including room and bed, Continuation notes, discharge summary, date of admission and discharge etc. or  you could separate them.

    Because this functionality is not natively integrated in oemr, automatic calculations like for empty bed/occupied beds, number of days admitted, will not be easy to do. One way is to have a LBF with a table like structure with all available beds categorized in ward, rooms, etc. You could create a list "bed status" with values "Occupied" and "Empty" for the form fields to use, maybe with option to enter name of occupying patient. This will have to be updated manually (by ward staff or whoever) at admission and discharge (or death) of each patient. I am not sure how to make the form independent of an open visit. If you cant, you could create a virtual patient called, for example "Bed Status" and open this "patient's" file to view the form.

    Then there are modules, including pharmacy, lab, billing. Impatient services can be partially or completely integrated into this modules. I see lab and procedure module more easy to integrate. A challenge in pharmacy is where ward staff order in bulk, this can be taken care of as a transfer in the pharmacy module and billed in the ward or entered at discharge using, say, the patients treatment (medicines) sheet for those drugs actually given.

    For other services, we could print something close to a paper fee sheet/superbill and return to accounts at discharge for billing or allow lab staff to bill, say daily.

    Long answer!! but in summary, you can, using LBF,but functionality will be basic and manual.


  • Mukoya

    Mukoya - 2011-03-30

    Second last paragraph: "Lab staff", I meant 'Ward staff"

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2011-03-30

    If all you need is bed/room information could add it to the demographics form in the Administration-=>Layouts. If need more inpatient functionality support from encounters etc. then will require some coding.

  • Tej bhandari

    Tej bhandari - 2017-06-17

    still this feature not added? basic hospital haves bed/ward it is very important feature for hospital having this feature.



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