
Data type Textarea defaulting to one column in encounter summary

  • Joel Erickson

    Joel Erickson - 2017-01-13

    I just upgraded to 4.2.2 from 4.2.0 and my providers are commenting that the text area displays in the encounter summaries are too tall and skinny. In a 4.2.0 LBF the text area summary would fill across the page in all remaining columns if the Data Column (Data Cols) was set to 3 or greater. in 4.2.2 the text area defaults to a single column width in the encounter summary regardles of the size of the Data Cols, making the input comment "tall and skinny".

    Where could I go, which .php file to modify, to allow the column width to correspond to the layout parameters as in 4.2.0?

    Thanks, -Joel

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2017-01-16

    Hi Joel,

    Try these steps:
    1. Remove cookies/history from browser.
    2. Use firefox.
    3. Recommend trying it out on the 4.2.2 demo to see if it works there:

    and let us know how it goes.

    btw, the code is in the library/ library


  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2017-01-18

    Hello Joel and Brady,

    The width of the LBF content in the Encounter Summary is being restricted (by a recent code change) to 30 characters.

    Here is a fix.

    • Joel Erickson

      Joel Erickson - 2017-02-11

      Epsdky and Brady,

      Thank you very much for this fix. It works great. After applying the code change I realized I didn't thank you. Your help is always very much appreciated.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2017-01-19

    Hi epsdky,

    Thanks for the fix. Just brought it into the codebase (also brought it into the rel-500 branch for the 5.0.0 release).


  • Joyce Boyd

    Joyce Boyd - 2017-02-11


    What if you cannot use firefox and what code do you add to the library/ library? I can only use Safari or Chrome reliably on my Mac.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2017-02-15

    Hi Joyce,

    The code that was added for this fix can be seen here:

    I didn't realize Firefox was not available on Mac?? Although we recommend Firefox, which is what the developers test on, other browsers will likely also work (abeit there is a possibility of bugs).


  • Joyce Boyd

    Joyce Boyd - 2017-02-15

    Hi Brady,

    Thanks for the link.

    Firefox does work and is available with Mac. My Mac was infected with malware while using Firefox. So, when I install it, I have problems. Apple's advice was to uninstall it, never install again, and only use Apple products available through the Apple store. I haven't tried to reinstall it in awhile. I don't want the headache. I think whatever was there could not be totally erased. I even tried AppZapper. That being said. I just use Safari or Chrome.

    Thanks again,


  • Joyce Boyd

    Joyce Boyd - 2017-02-15

    Hi Brady,

    I went modify the forms.php file and the line of code change in github is line 639. My forms.php only has 600 lines. I'm wondering if I have an old old version of forms.php. Please advise.



  • Joyce Boyd

    Joyce Boyd - 2017-02-15

    Hi Brady,

    I made the changes suggested to both files (line 565 on ...interface/patient_file/encounter/forms.php). I think it is better but, if there is more than 1 submission of a form the Group Name does not appear on Enc Sum after the first one is saved. See attached screenshot.

    Thank you,



    Last edit: Joyce Boyd 2017-02-15
  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2017-02-15

    I reversed the fix and get exactly the same result.

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2017-02-15

    (Hello Brady, You're welcome)

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2017-02-15

    (Hello Joel, No problem)

  • Joyce Boyd

    Joyce Boyd - 2017-02-15

    @epsdky... The same result as me?

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2017-02-15


  • Joyce Boyd

    Joyce Boyd - 2017-02-15

    @epsdky... Thanks for the clarification... Any ideas on how to fix it?


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