
Cannot See Anything on http://localhost/openemr/setup.php

  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    Hi. I just installed the OpenEMR, but there is nothing on the browser when I try to access localhost/openemr

    I use Ubuntu 14.04, have installed php5, mysql and apache.

    Can someone help me please?

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-01-04

    Did you run the following?
    sudo service apache2 restart
    Then login at http://localhost/openemr

    Also see this.

    If you continue to have problems, install the package & follow login directions.


    Last edit: fsgl 2015-01-04
  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    Hi everyone.

    Yes, I used the Ubuntu package (.deb). I reinstalled it in command line environment, and still nothing in the web browser (http://localhost/openemr/setup.php?site=default)

    I think the installation is correct, I can even see admin.php, but it asks for run the setup, and that page is not showing.

    I also restarted apache, but that is not the problem. I am really in a big frustration here, I need to use this amazing program.

    Thanks a lot...

  • David

    David - 2015-01-04

    To better assist you it would help to know your hardware set up.

    Server > Router > Client (different machines on a local network)
    Server/Client (same or virtual machine)

    If same or virtual machine try
    If different machines try https://[YourServerIPAddress]:443
    (Must click "I understand the security risks" then confirm and permanently store exception)
    If not using Firefox, recommend doing so.

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-01-04

    The <setup> in the URL address bar is taking you to installation, which is not necessary for the Ubuntu-Debian Package. The setup.php is only for installation purposes, not for login.

    Simply use the following in the address bar:

  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    Hi again,

    I am using the same machine. I am also using Firefox.

    I try to open localhost/openemr but automatically goes to localhost/openemr/setup.php?=default and there is nothing on the browser -not even some message-

    David, what do you meanwith hardware setup? I have a Samsung Laptop, model R430, a little bit old now. Do you need me to list the components and characteristics of each one?

    I am sure apache and that stuff is running ok; I can use phpMyadmin without problems.


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-01-04


    Looks like package install has an issue and did not completely install openemr.

    Copy/paste here the contents of following two files(I forgot their exact names, but they are the only two files in below directories):
    1. /etc/openemr/
    2. /var/log/openemr/


  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    Hi Brady,

    There you have them... Looks like the problem is with the access to mysql?? That would be weird... O_o

    1. /etc/openemr/openemr.conf

    Optional settings

    (currently empty, plan to use in subsequent versions of OpenEMR)

    Installation settings

    (DO NOT EDIT below!!!)


    1. /var/log/openemr/install
      dom ene 4 11:31:15 CLST 2015: Configuring package...
      dom ene 4 11:31:15 CLST 2015: Installing OpenEMR
      dom ene 4 11:31:15 CLST 2015: Configuring PHP for OpenEMR
      dom ene 4 11:31:15 CLST 2015: Your PHP configuration is perfect for OpenEMR.
      dom ene 4 11:31:15 CLST 2015: Done configuring PHP
      dom ene 4 11:31:15 CLST 2015: Activate OpenEMR config file for Apache
      dom ene 4 11:31:16 CLST 2015: Restarting Apache service...
    2. Restarting web server apache2
      AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
      dom ene 4 11:31:41 CLST 2015: Passed the mysql check loop
      dom ene 4 11:31:41 CLST 2015: Installing/Configuring OpenEMR...
      PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/installScripts/InstallerAutoTemp.php on line 106
      PHP Notice: Undefined index: iufname in /var/www/openemr/library/classes/Installer.class.php on line 16
      PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /var/www/openemr/library/classes/Installer.class.php on line 457
      ERROR: unable to connect to database as root
      dom ene 4 11:31:42 CLST 2015: Done configuring OpenEMR
      dom ene 4 11:31:48 CLST 2015: You can now use OpenEMR by browsing to:
      dom ene 4 11:31:48 CLST 2015: http://localhost/openemr
      dom ene 4 11:31:48 CLST 2015: user is 'admin' and password is 'pass'
      dom ene 4 11:31:48 CLST 2015: See the openemr man page for further instructions:
      dom ene 4 11:31:48 CLST 2015: type 'man openemr' at command line
  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-01-04


    That is odd since the package checks to ensure you entered the correct mysql root password before proceeding. You'll need to do a manual install, which can be done by unsecuring(the package secures these after configuration) the following files:

    (use chmod 666 on them, and then when done, recommend doing chmod 600 on them to re-secure them).

    After unsecure them, then go to http://localhost/openemr and follow the steps (note apache and php are already configured, so you do not need to worry about those steps).

    (let us know if need more detailed direction on the chmod command)



    Last edit: Brady Miller 2015-01-04
    • John Tenny

      John Tenny - 2015-04-26


      Thank you for this post. On three separate machines, Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 32 bit, Linux Mint 17.1 Mate 64 bit, and Debian Wheezy 7.8.0 64 bit I had the exact same problem Juan did that resolved using chmod command you recommended. I am planning on using Mint 17.1 64 bit in my office.

  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    Brady, thanks a lot...

    Actually I started to try to use mysql with emma and command line, and I cannot enter to databases... Something gone wrecked.

    So I am now erasing everything (mysql, php, apache, related softwares) and I will reinstall everything again. Hope it works, if it doesn't I will try unsecuring those files.

    Thanks, I'll let you know what happens.

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-01-05

    There are times when it is exceedingly difficult to get rid of every last bit of OpenEMR & the LAMP stack from the first attempt, so that the second attempt with the Ubuntu-Debian package would fail to install properly.

    If you are still having difficulties & you have a system image from a time prior to this endeavor; it may be simpler to start with that system image & then attempt to install the package on a "clean slate".

    The hard part is not the command line package install, but getting rid of corrupt files before the re-install.

  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    Oops, now I am realizing that... =(


  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-01-05

    To remove the openemr package, should do:
    sudo dpkg -r openemr

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-01-05

    fsgl is very correct that broken packages in ubuntu can be a real pain(you would be forced to become an expert in the packaging system which is not a very fun experience for most). There is a process to manually remove the openemr package (if above doesn't work); let us know if need those steps; note that it will not remove the LAMP stack. I do agree with fsgl that if you do have a system image prior to this, it makes sense to go back to it.

    • Tony McCormick

      Tony McCormick - 2015-01-05

      Which is why, despite brady's excellent work on the install pkg I prefer to
      do it directly from the github sources.

      Tony McCormick

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      • Brady Miller

        Brady Miller - 2015-01-05

        Note this can happen with any ubuntu package and is infrequent...

        I still recommend the ubuntu package for ease of install and, most importantly, ease of upgrade.


  • Juan Humberto Sturione


    I tried in another pc, with a fresh install of php, mysql, apache and I still get the error. I am blaming mysql configuration because when I try to connect to the db with emma I am getting the same access denied error you can see above in this conversation. I just don't know what to do.

    Thanks a lot,

  • Brady Miller

    Brady Miller - 2015-01-05


    How are you installing mysql? And on command line can you do:
    sudo mysql


    • Tony McCormick

      Tony McCormick - 2015-01-05

      Using the install works great if you only have one installation.
      Personally run about 26 at any given time, but I'm a developer. And on my
      hosted sites the install does not lend itself to my standards or allow me
      to manage multiple vhosts. Nothing wrong with it all at all for a single,
      local and simple practice installation.

      Someone (not me) should look at Docker containers for OpenEMR in Linux ....
      :-) it's the next big thing ....

      Tony McCormick, CTO

      Please be aware that e-mail communication can be intercepted in
      transmission or misdirected. Please consider communicating any sensitive
      information by telephone. The information contained in this message may be
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  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    I am trying the chmod stuff in the new installation pc... It is working... Cool

  • Juan Humberto Sturione

    I installed mysql on both computers with synaptics


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