
Upload Documents to Category

  • M S

    M S - 2015-08-14

    All documents that I upload to the chart are pdf. With the new 4.2 (recently upgraded from 4.1 - thanks to fsgl and others for your help) I can load some documents up to the cart when selected and for others I get a message that no file was slected.

    Ideas? Issues?

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-08-14

    Just uploaded all 459 pages of "Linux for Dummies" to Lab Report in 4.2.0 Demo.

    Be certain that the name of the .pdf file is listed next to the "Choose File" box before uploading. If you have multiple files per upload, follow directions on the same line as the forementioned box.

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-08-14

    You need to open the Category tree & double click the just uploaded file for it to appear in "Content".

    For example, if you uploaded a patient's insurance card to "Patient ID Card", open "Patient Information", then "Patient ID Card" & double click the .pdf or .jpeg file to open in "Content".

    Mighty Mouse & Krakatoa Katy are there now. If you must ask about Krakatoa Katy, inquire at YouTube.

  • M S

    M S - 2015-08-14

    I am using the 'browse' box as there is no 'choose file' box in my version. I then select the file which shows the selected file next to the 'browse' button. I then select the 'upload' box and either I get - no file slected (by the 'browse' box) or a report showing the file successfully uploaded (by the upload box). Sometimes it works --- sometimes it does not - even after repeated attempts (and no it is not in the folder after refreshing if it said 'no file selected' and yet I did select a file to upload.

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-08-15

    Attached is the interface for 4.1.1, 4.1.2 & 4.2.0. for the Documents tab in the Patient Summary (Demographics).

    Unclear what "browse" box you are referring to. Need your screenshot.

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2015-08-15

    EDIT - Deleted...

    Could this problem be related to the type of files that you are tying to upload? I have just attempted to upload two files...test1.php and test2.ocr to the 4.2.0 demo, the first suceeded and the second failed.

    (The reason test2.ocr wpuld not upload appears to be that it had no content).


    Last edit: epsdky 2015-08-15
  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-08-15

    I hope that the "Browse" box is not an indication you have the 4.1.0 interface. The 4.1.0 Demo has been shut down, so I can't verify.

    Earlier I was at the Visolve website. One of the Sample Customizations in the slide show seems to support this.


    Last edit: fsgl 2015-08-15
  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-08-15

    If you find that "Browse" is where "Choose File" should be, run upgrade again.

    If repeat upgrading does not result in the "Choose File" box replacing "Browse" box, paid help will be necessary. The Documents uploading problem is indicative of a larger problem with the upgrade from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0.

    It is very difficult to know what went wrong with the 4.2.0 upgrade without direct access to your device. Paid help will be able to do so, while we cannot here at the Fora.

  • epsdky

    epsdky - 2015-08-15

    Visited the 4.2.0 Demo (2101) just now and it has a "Browse" not a "Choose File" button (see image). Same for the 4.1.2 Demo.

  • fsgl

    fsgl - 2015-08-15

    Have only the Chrome browser at my disposal now, not Firefox.

    I wonder why the box would have a different designation depending on the browser.

    Will need to look for another explanation for OP's upload problem.


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