
OpenEMM e-mail & marketing automation / News: Recent posts

OpenEMM 5.0.2 available for download now

We just released OpenEMM 5.0.2, a maintenance version which contains some more refactoring work and fixes a lot of minor bugs and flaws found by the development team or reported by users during the last 3 weeks (see ChangeLog for details).

Please be aware that no every unwanted behaviour of OpenEMM is a bug and consult the FAQ database and the support forums first in case you are stuck and need help. Thank you!

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-09-19

OpenEMM 5.0.1 available for download now

We just released OpenEMM 5.0.1, a maintenance version which contains some significant refactoring work (compare file size with 5.0!) and fixes several bugs found by the development team or reported by users during the last 3 weeks (see CHANGELOG.txt for details).

We strongly recommend that you uninstall version 5.0 (7 simple steps, see INSTALL.pdf and install the latest release 5.0.1.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-08-25

Get the redirect service working

Did you wonder why the redirect service of OpenEMM 5.0 is not working? It is our (stupid) fault!

But, fortunately, fixing the bug is very easy:

1. Change to user openemm: "su - openemm"

2. Stop OpenEMM: " stop"

3. Open file /home/openemm/bin/ with a text editor and remove the character "#" at the start of line "$HOME/bin/ start"... read more

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-08-08

Install Guide extended for Suse Linux distributions

We just upgraded the OpenEMM Install Guide to version 1.2 and included much more information on Suse Linux and OpenSuse distributions so that Suse users can install and use all features of OpenEMM more easily. You may download the Install Guide INSTALL.pdf in the Files section.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-08-04

Final Release of OpenEMM 5.0 available

We are proud to present the Final Release of OpenEMM 5.0 which is available for download as of today. So far, interest in this software has been great: We logged visitors from all continents and 50 different countries as well as more than 1,200 downloads during 3 weeks of public testing.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-08-03

Availability of Release Candidate 3

OK, we were a little bit too optimistic regarding RC2. Now, Release Candidate 3 is available for download. All known bugs are fixed. We expect this version to become the Final Release.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-07-27

Availability of Release Candidate 2

Release Candidate 2 is now available for download. We registered about 800 downloads of RC1 so far - but very few bug reports. All known bugs are fixed now. We expect this version to become the Final Release.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-07-20

Availability of Release Candidate 1

Although, we are one day early, we felt confident and decided to launch the first Release Candidate of OpenEMM right away (see Download button).

Since we did only internal tests, this release is probably not suitable for production purposes and we expect one or two more release candidates.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-07-12

Launch of professional open source email marketing solution

10th of July 2006


AGNITAS, the specialist for direct digital and dialog marketing, presents the world’s first professional open source email marketing solution. The new software OpenEMM will be available as a free download in both German and English as from 13th July at, providing a range of services similar to those in AGNITAS’s basic conventional email marketing platform version. OpenEMM runs on the Linux operating system.

Posted by Martin Aschoff 2006-07-10