
OpenEco / News: Recent posts

New Release: Increased Contact Module search capabilities

Added increased search functionality to the Contact Module allowing the user to narrow searches by topic or if topic is Opened or Closed. New Releases are added all the time; review them at the Release Notes section on the Developers tab.

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-09-25

New Platform Implementation

Two months ago the open source OpenEco Platform was used to develop the BC3( site. This past month one additional organization has chosen this platform to create their site based on ease of development and the flexibility of the modules. The site is in final stages of development and testing and will be up within the next few weeks. The site is an internal Sun Microsystems marketing organization.

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-09-25

Dashboard Module is now availalbe!

We’ve now included our Dashboard Module as part of the administrative functions available in our source code. When you download the source code to develop either new modules for or to develop your own site using our source code like BC3, the Dashboard module will be part of your download. To view detailed information about this module go to: This module allows you to easily edit information under each of the column headings by simply double clicking, making the change, and, when you click somewhere else on the page, saves the changes. The module will also allow you to drag and drop items to share with other team members along with creating “to-do” items for teams or team members.

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-09-25

OpenEco Joins!

Celsias is described as one of the top five “must-reads” eco-website blogs by “The Times” of London. has joined and posted their open source project on this site: Celsias lists global warming projects developed by individuals, organizations and companies from all over the world: The great thing about this site is that there are two ways to join any project: One is to be a project team member and the other is to financially sponsor a project.

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-04-30

CommunityOne and JavaOne

We are excited to be included in this year’s JavaOne Conference. We will have a booth where we will be giving you a chance to ask detailed questions about our OpenEco Platform. Additionally we will be presenting a mini-talks sharing how OpenEco works and how to use the templates to create new modules and make mashups using the XML API. JavaOne is at San Francisco’s Moscone Center and starts May 6th and goes through the 9th. Make sure you stop by and meet the team. For more information on attending please visit:

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-04-30

OpenEco Platform Powers BC3!

We're excited to announce the first new web community powered by the OpenEco Platform - the Business Council on Climate Change (BC3). BC3 is a partnership of San Francisco Bay Area businesses committed to reducing their green house gas emissions. Sun Microsystems is a member of BC3 and sponsored development of the site on the OpenEco platform. We're looking forward to seeing all the BC3 organizations using the Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) tracking tool for their buildings, contributing to the Forums, and otherwise participating in the OpenEco community.
Go visit our Friends' new site at:

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-04-30

OpenEco Home Page Changes

We created an online flash demo module which gives you a quick overview of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) module found within the OpenEco site. Because this is an important piece of the OpenEco experience, we promoted it to the home page. Now the home page has a new look and feel with additional functionality and easier access to the content. Take a look at:

Posted by Michael Doud 2008-04-30