

Lost Soul
  • Lost Soul

    Lost Soul - 2003-02-22

    It would be very useful for a script to be able to issue "raw" commands in the hub, $sr $kick etc.
    Anyone else think this would be useful? I can think of a number of uses :)

    • Robin Hill

      Robin Hill - 2003-02-22

      There's not many commands that scripts can't already use.  There's no reason whatsoever for a script to use $sr, and $kick can already be used via perl function calls.  $search is one call that a script currently can't use and may want to (e.g. for slot checking, though I'm getting more and more convinced that this is a waste of time) but I'm not sure what others there are (if any).

      • James Lick

        James Lick - 2003-02-23

        While I agree that kick is already covered, and $sr is a bit silly, it would be nice to allow scripts to do passive mode searches and collect results.  This could be used to do some automated share checks and alert ops when a user persistently returns no results for common searches.  For that matter it would also be nice for scripts to be able to do file list/share list downloads.

    • Robin Hill

      Robin Hill - 2003-02-23

      I've added permissions for script to do searches into my combined patch (though I've forgotten to mention it in the write-up).

      There's no way for scripts to perform downloads at the moment as this would require inclusion of the whole client/client protocol which would probably affect hub performance pretty heavily.


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