jbx02 - 2004-12-30

I posted the same message than this one, 6 month ago, but like i received no answers, i decided to explain again my problem.
I receive this message when I try to load cycl file from the cyc prompt :

      Error:   Read error occured at position 53003 of file C:\tt0.00022.cycl  
      [Switching to single-threaded mode ....]     

My first reflex was to remove this line in the file, but the problem persists with the next line...  
I searched some explanations about it in ThoughtTreasure and opencyc web sites, but I found nothing.
Do you now how I can solve my problem.  
For your information, I use Windows2000 (French release) SP4 and JRE 1.4. with 1go RAM
Else, Opencyc application works correctly.

Thanks in advance for your help.