
#57 StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder - ignoring serialVersionUID field in Java Beans

Unstable (example)

first of all let me thank you for your library. I was just starting writing my own and then I stumbled upon opencsv and saved me a couple sleepless nights.

I've written a generic importer and exporter and it works like a charm but I wanted to know how you suggest to ignore arbitrary fields, first of all serialVersionUID since my application can export java beans in xml (and csv now).

Thank you,


Patches: #57


  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    • assigned_to: Andrew Rucker Jones
  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    At the moment I'm assuming you are using the HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy without explicit annotations. That's the only thing I can imagine that would cause the behavior you're describing. The only suggestion that I have is to use explicit annotations. That way only the fields you annotate will be written.

    Do you have another suggestion?

  • Giacomo Arru

    Giacomo Arru - 2019-08-17

    Hi Andrew.
    yes I'm using no annotations at all, my idea was to just add an CsvIgnoreAddnotation to the fields I wanted to exclude from the export.

    I have something like 500 java beans and yes, I'd like to avoid annotating everything. Each bean has between 5 and 30 fields.

    I tought ignoring serialVersionUID could be hardcoded in the library since is a reserved serialization field, but also adding an ignore annotation should be fine.

    But I fear at the moment such an annotation does not exist.

  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    I have just committed a change for opencsv 5.0 that will ignore any field named "serialVersionUID" in a bean to be written as long as the bean implements Serializable. I will mull over a further annotation, because I think it sounds good and I think it would be easy to implement.

    What worries me a little more at the moment is that while writing tests for this feature, I discovered a bug I added in 5.0 for which we currently do not have a test. I will have to take care of that. So thanks for accidentally helping me find that bug!

  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    I am thinking of adding a method to MappingStrategy (with suitable methods in the builders to pass the information along to MappingStrategy) that takes a java.lang.Class and a java.lang.reflect.Field and tells the MappingStrategy to ignore that particular field completely. I think in this case that's better than an annotation because I would like to provide something for people who may not have source code control over their beans or who at least aren't allowed to alter them. How would you feel about that implementation?

    • Scott Conway

      Scott Conway - 2019-08-23

      I would be curious to see your implementation. Personally I think what
      you are describing is a reverse of the
      HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy where you pass in a map of columns
      you want to map in the csv file to the columns you want to map in the
      bean. I added a test to the HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategyTest
      so you can see what I mean.

      BTW I just started getting a build error today but it was on code that has
      been in for almost a year and a half. Are you seeing this too?

      Scott :(

      [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
      (default-testCompile) on project opencsv: Compilation failure

      [ERROR] /Users/scott/Documents/workspace/opencsv-source/src/test/java/com/opencsv/bean/mocks/[41,13]
      error: populateNewBean(String[]) in ErrorLineMappingStrategy cannot
      implement populateNewBean(String[]) in MappingStrategy

      [ERROR] overridden method does not throw InstantiationException

      [ERROR] where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:

      [ERROR] T#1 extends Object declared in class ErrorLineMappingStrategy

      [ERROR] T#2 extends Object declared in interface MappingStrategy


      On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:50 AM Andrew Rucker Jones wrote:

      I am thinking of adding a method to MappingStrategy (with suitable methods
      in the builders to pass the information along to MappingStrategy) that
      takes a java.lang.Class and a java.lang.reflect.Field and tells the
      MappingStrategy to ignore that particular field completely. I think in this
      case that's better than an annotation because I would like to provide
      something for people who may not have source code control over their beans
      or who at least aren't allowed to alter them. How would you feel about that

      Status: open
      Group: Unstable (example)
      Created: Sat Aug 17, 2019 08:06 PM UTC by Giacomo Arru
      Last Updated: Sun Aug 18, 2019 09:39 AM UTC
      Owner: Andrew Rucker Jones

      first of all let me thank you for your library. I was just starting
      writing my own and then I stumbled upon opencsv and saved me a couple
      sleepless nights.

      I've written a generic importer and exporter and it works like a charm but
      I wanted to know how you suggest to ignore arbitrary fields, first of all
      serialVersionUID since my application can export java beans in xml (and csv

      Thank you,

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Scott Conway



      Patches: #57

      • Scott Conway

        Scott Conway - 2019-08-23

        nevermind on the last part. The error must be because of some patch on my
        home computer because I was able to compile it without issues on a
        different computer. I will look at it this weekend.

        Scott :)

        On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 9:56 PM Scott Conway

        I would be curious to see your implementation. Personally I think what
        you are describing is a reverse of the
        HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy where you pass in a map of columns
        you want to map in the csv file to the columns you want to map in the
        bean. I added a test to the HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategyTest
        so you can see what I mean.

        BTW I just started getting a build error today but it was on code that has
        been in for almost a year and a half. Are you seeing this too?

        Scott :(

        [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
        (default-testCompile) on project opencsv: Compilation failure

        error: populateNewBean(String[]) in ErrorLineMappingStrategy cannot
        implement populateNewBean(String[]) in MappingStrategy

        [ERROR] overridden method does not throw InstantiationException

        [ERROR] where T#1,T#2 are type-variables:

        [ERROR] T#1 extends Object declared in class ErrorLineMappingStrategy

        [ERROR] T#2 extends Object declared in interface MappingStrategy


        On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:50 AM Andrew Rucker Jones

        I am thinking of adding a method to MappingStrategy (with suitable methods
        in the builders to pass the information along to MappingStrategy) that
        takes a java.lang.Class and a java.lang.reflect.Field and tells the
        MappingStrategy to ignore that particular field completely. I think in this
        case that's better than an annotation because I would like to provide
        something for people who may not have source code control over their beans
        or who at least aren't allowed to alter them. How would you feel about that

        Status: open
        Group: Unstable (example)
        Created: Sat Aug 17, 2019 08:06 PM UTC by Giacomo Arru
        Last Updated: Sun Aug 18, 2019 09:39 AM UTC
        Owner: Andrew Rucker Jones

        first of all let me thank you for your library. I was just starting
        writing my own and then I stumbled upon opencsv and saved me a couple
        sleepless nights.

        I've written a generic importer and exporter and it works like a charm but
        I wanted to know how you suggest to ignore arbitrary fields, first of all
        serialVersionUID since my application can export java beans in xml (and csv

        Thank you,

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        Scott Conway

        Status: open
        Group: Unstable (example)
        Created: Sat Aug 17, 2019 08:06 PM UTC by Giacomo Arru
        Last Updated: Tue Aug 20, 2019 07:48 AM UTC
        Owner: Andrew Rucker Jones

        first of all let me thank you for your library. I was just starting
        writing my own and then I stumbled upon opencsv and saved me a couple
        sleepless nights.

        I've written a generic importer and exporter and it works like a charm but
        I wanted to know how you suggest to ignore arbitrary fields, first of all
        serialVersionUID since my application can export java beans in xml (and csv

        Thank you,

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        Scott Conway



        Patches: #57

  • Giacomo Arru

    Giacomo Arru - 2019-08-20

    Well, I think it's right to ignore serialVersionUID if the bean implements Serializable.
    Also, an annotation to ignore fields could always be precious and I was surprised that the library didn't already had it.

    Passing ignored fields to the builder could be great, as you really could treat with any kind of bean without editing the source, and since you can't add an annotation to a bean at runtime, yes, it could be useful. Maybe you could take a Map<java.lang.Class, java.lang.reflect.Field> as a parameter to ignore multiple fields.

    But I'll be completely satisfied with just the annotation.
    Thank you!


    Last edit: Giacomo Arru 2019-08-20
  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    • status: open --> pending
  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    I have implemented this for the upcoming release of 5.0, which does not yet have a release date.

  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    • status: pending --> closed
  • Andrew Rucker Jones

    opencsv 5.0 has been released.


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