
OpenCommerce / News: Recent posts

Admin Module

The admin module has been finally converted to the new version and now it should work fine.

Posted by tanis 2001-01-16

CVS Update

I updated the CVS repository so that now the latest version is available to for checking it out.

I should get back working on OpenCommerce soon because one of my customers is going to need a redesign of his e-commerce application and I'm going to use OpenCommerce as the base for his system.

Posted by tanis 2001-01-05

C++ Developer needed!

I'm looking for a C++ developer to assist me in converting the C++ code to ASP.

Posted by tanis 2000-10-26


I finally managed to open an account on SourceForge to manage OpenCommerce. I'm doing some slight modification to the code (locally) to import it into the CVS tree here on SourceForge.

Posted by tanis 2000-09-09