Activity for OpenCFLite

  • Grant Grant posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Happy to integrate and include it. I've created an issue on GitHub at

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    at the very least i can update CFTest (i wrote it) to include unit tests for time zones. then, assuming you can run it against the latest CF, you can tell me the results? that will tell me if it's worth my time to integrate with the latest. if the time zone support is still terrible, it's unlikely i'll invest the time right now -dave On Jul 28, 2021, at 12:33 PM, Grant wrote: I haven't historically leveraged that aspect of functionality in CoreFoundation in my consuming...

  • Grant Grant posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I haven't historically leveraged that aspect of functionality in CoreFoundation in my consuming projects, so I can't speak to it. Consequently, I don't have any good examples or functional or unit tests for that aspect of functionality either. The project would welcome a contribution if you're willing and able.

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    sorry, this wasn't a question about CFNetwork, it is about CFLite (CoreFoundation) i don't know if you know but CFLite 476 has horrible time zone support. many time zones can't be correctly created, so they produce wrong time displays. this may have been fixed in a later CoreFoundation with the advent of the "Olson" system, but i haven't tested that. do you have a unit test for time zones? On Jul 28, 2021, at 12:13 PM, Grant wrote: As far as I can see, any time zone...

  • Grant Grant posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As far as I can see, any time zone functionality that exists in CFNetwork is a direct dependency, in turn, on CoreFoundation. That dependency would either be satisfied by native CoreFoundation functionality on Apple platforms or provided in a package like opencflite. As far as I know, such functionality works in opencflite. However, if not, an issue should be filed against it on GitHub.

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Does time zone support actually function in this version? Sent from my iPhone On Jul 28, 2021, at 12:06 AM, Grant wrote:  Would you be willing to contribute your work to opencfnetwork at CFNetwork Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

  • Grant Grant posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OpenCFLite v635.21.1 has been released on GitHub at with the following changes: Applied upstream Apple patches from CF-635.19 to CF-635.21. Applied upstream Apple patches from CF-635.15 to CF-635.19. Addressed a warning/error about the unknown type name of 'CFStreamError' when compiling against the project on Linux. Address a warning/error about the redefinition of 'struct timespec' when compiling against the project on Linux....

  • Grant Grant posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Would you be willing to contribute your work to opencfnetwork at

  • Grant Grant posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A new active clone / fork of OpenCFLite is now being hosted on GitHub at

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Help

    can you text me? i'd like to get this on github but would like someone to validate the repo 206 419 2049 <-- text or iMessage kjamskaraoke <-- skype text email: -dave On Oct 20, 2019, at 5:05 PM, Paul Cushman wrote: Can I get access to this 64-bit version? I've been looking for a 64 bit version. Windows x64 compile Sent from because you indicated interest...

  • Paul Cushman Paul Cushman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Can I get access to this 64-bit version? I've been looking for a 64 bit version.

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Help

    by the way, I've got it working in 64bits, using LibreSSL too, if anyone wants it. works in MSDEV 2017 and Qt5

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've updated my project to be 64bit, and it now uses LibreSSL with full support of TLS1.1 and 1.2, and also i have projects for Qt (both mac and windows, 64bit)

  • plusplusc plusplusc posted a comment on discussion Help

    Anyone able to build in a Cygwin environment? When I run configure, I get "Cygwin...

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    it's all available here

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You may be happy to know i've actually now got CFNetwork mostly working on windows,...

  • David M. Cotter David M. Cotter posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    the second half never got done. however, i have just re-commissioned it again, and...

  • Tam Tam posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have the same issue on both trunk and 476.19 branch. Adding "AM_PROG_AR macro to...