
Getting started for developers

Sven Ziemer Stephan Leutenmayr Martin Glas David Otter Tobias Brügge-Zobel

Getting Started for Developers

Now that Eclipse has been installed on your computer you can install openCDT. This guide is for the developers installation. Please note that your system may disable downloads from the SVN due to your local proxy settings.

1. Starting Eclipse

Start Eclipse from your installation folder. If you start Eclipse for the first time, you may need to choose Go to the Workbench on the Eclipse welcome screen.

Before using openCDT for the first time you may want to create a new workspace for openCDT in Eclipse. If you have used openCDT before, you must ensure to select your openCDT workspace in Eclipse prior to starting openCDT.

To create a new workspace in CDT you have to select File/Switch workspace/Other... and enter the name for a new workspace. Please note that you can use the Browse button to navigate on your local file system.

2. Install the openCDT core plug-ins

Once you have started Eclipse, its time to download openCDT from the openCDT code repository on SourceForge (

Please perform the following tasks:

  • Select File->Import...
  • In the Import dialog that appears, select Git->Projects from Git, and proceed to the next step by clicking the Next button.
  • The first time you check out from the openCDT Git repository, please select the Clone URI, and click the Next button.
  • Enter the checkout URI you find on into the location field, and click the Next button. If you are in the openCDT developer group it looks like ssh:// If you just read the code it looks like git clone git://
  • Select the master brac hand click the Next button.
  • Select Import exisiting projects and click the Next** button.
  • Select all projects except doc and click the Finish button.

After the download is completed, you will see the downloaded packages in the Eclipse Package Explorer.

3. Install cdtstyle

After downloading the openCDT core plugins you will most likely receive an error message. Please ignore this message. To avoid receiving this error message in the future, you must activate the checkstyle function in Eclipse (For installation of the checkstyle plugin, see [Eclipse Developer Installation]) and link to the cdtstyle file.

Please select Preferences from the Window menu. In the Preferences dialog, select the Checkstyle entry. Click the New... button to link to the cdtstyle file. In the appearing Check Configuration Properties dialog,

  • Change the Type from Internal Configuration to Project Relative Configuration
  • Click the Browse button, and select the cdtstyle.xml file in the codingstyle folder
  • Enter cdtstyle into the Name field
  • Close the dialog.
  • In the list showing the Global Check Configurations, select cdtstyle and click the button Set as Default.
  • Click the Yes button when asked for rebuilding the projectspace.

5. Start openCDT

You can finally start openCDT now:

  • Expand net.bhl.cdt.client from the package explorer tree view
  • Right-click client.product
  • Select Run as/Eclipse Application

To run two simple use cases, please check out the page [OpenCDT Functionality].


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