
Eclipse Developer Installation

Stephan Leutenmayr Martin Glas David Otter

Eclipse Developer Installation

This page lists the installation procedure for developers. The developer installation currently comprises the Eclipse modeling tools, the EMF Store, and Checkstyle.

This openCDT release and its documentation has been tested against Eclipse Luna. We strongly recommend you use this version of Eclipse
You find basic tutorials on eclipse here:

If you experience connectivity problems it may help to set eclipse to a direct network connection. Go to "Window->Preferences". Choose "General->Network Connections". Select "Direct" as "Active Provider". Please restart your Eclipse now.

1. Download and install Eclipse

  • Download Eclipse Modeling Tools, Version Kepler (includes Incubating components) (32bit or 64bit) from
  • Extract Eclipse to a folder that is convenient to you.

2. Start Eclipse

  • For the following steps, please start your Eclipse from the folder you extracted Eclipse to.
  • If you start your Eclipse for the first time, you may need to choose a workspace for the projects you are going to develop. The workspace is a folder on your hard disc containing all project-related files. You may choose any convenient folder. If you experience problems, please check for access rights or probable spaces in the folder names.

3. Install Checkstyle Plugin

  • In Eclipse: Help->Install new Software… ->Add..

  • Select package checkstyle

  • Accept Licenses
  • Accept unsigned content

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