
New version with VisCCG and GrammarDoc

We have just released a new version of OpenCCG that contains a lot of recent updates that are building tools around the core OpenCCG code, and which focuses on making it easier to create, edit, and visualize grammars. And this time around, there is actually documentation and tutorials for these things (thanks to an instructional technology grant from the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin). Most of it comes in the form of a wiki page which contains various tutorials and example grammars:

Some tips on using grammardoc in concert with VisCCG are here:

Developing grammars with VisCCG is *much* easier than starting new grammars using the native XML format. However, do note that the VisCCG code itself is still very much in flux, and any user feedback will be very much appreciated. (Send feedback to Also, VisCCG has been tested on Linux and MacOS only, though in theory it should work on Windows.

Of course, lots of other things have happened since the last release. Check out the information in the README and CHANGES files for more info.


Posted by Jason Baldridge 2007-05-01

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