
Broken link for data download: gigaword4.5g.kenlm.bin

Zhao Meng
  • Zhao Meng

    Zhao Meng - 2016-07-15


    I'm trying to download gigaword4.5g.kenlm.bin from this site, but it seems that the link is broken. Could anyone give me another link for downloading that file?


  • Michael White

    Michael White - 2016-07-16

    Strange, never seen this problem before. It seems there are zero mirrors for this file. I've created a help ticket with sourceforge about this issue. It could be a lingering problem from the sitewide troubles earlier this week.

    • Zhao Meng

      Zhao Meng - 2016-07-18

      Still doesn't work after 3 days. Any backup sites for this file?



      Last edit: Zhao Meng 2016-07-18
  • Michael White

    Michael White - 2016-07-18

    It's fixed now -- it occurred to me that uploading the file again might fix the problem, and indeed it did. Subsequently I got a response on the help ticket saying it looks like I had fixed it this way, so the status of that issue went from 'unread' to 'self-service' :)


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