
Inert Slashes and Unification

  • fmhoyt

    fmhoyt - 2006-04-01


    I am noticing that slashes marked as inert (ability="inert") do not unify with slashes unspecified for ability.

    For various reasons I am treated verbs as having inert forward slashes for subject arguments:

    habla :- (S\!NP)/NP

    A type-raised NP will not compose with this:

    el niño :- S/(S\NP)

    When I remove the <ability="inert"> specification from the lexical entry for transitive verbs, the composition goes through.

    The documentation indicates that slashes which are unspecified for the "ability" attribute default to either the "inert" or the "active" value. As such, one might expect an unspecified slash to unify with an inert one.

    Thank you,

    Fred Hoyt

    • Jason Baldridge

      Jason Baldridge - 2006-04-02

      Type-raised slashes actually *are* specified for ability -- they must not be inert, and thus it won't unify with that category. If it were otherwise, you would be able to have an inert argument be snapped up by a lexical np, thereby defeating the very purpose of inert slashes.



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