
Java Out of Memory Error

  • America Chambers

    I am following the instructions in the README file (docs/ccgbank-README) to parse the data in ccgbank/data/novel/two-sents using the broad coverage grammar.

    I am running this on a MacBook Pro (running Mac OS 10.14) with 16GB of memory. I have increased the Java heap size in bin/ccg-env.bat to 4GB:

    set JAVA_MEM=-Xmx4096m
    rem set JAVA_MEM=-Xmx4096m

    I also set my global system preferences in the Java Control Panel to have a minimum and maximum heap size of 4GB.

    Despite this, when I execute the parser using the command:
    ccg-build -f build-ps.xml test-novel &> logs/ &

    the activity monitor shows that Java is using only ~350MB of space and the parser eventually throws a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error. I have attached the log file below.

    Has anyone run in to this before? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • America Chambers

    Okay, I just realized what the problem is. The ccg-env.bat file is for Windows. I should have been modifying the ccg-env file instead. When I change the memory size in ccg-env, it runs to completion (although the final tb.xml file is essentially empty).

    • Michael White

      Michael White - 2019-06-25

      Glad you found the issue!

      An empty tb.xml file could be the result of some steps getting skipped by
      the build file because it looked like these steps had already been
      completed when in fact they did not finish successfully in the earlier run.
      Starting with a fresh folder there (or more tediously, deleting the
      intermediate files) could resolve the issue in this case.

      On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 2:54 AM America Chambers wrote:

      Okay, I just realized what the problem is. The ccg-env.bat file is for
      Windows. I should have been modifying the ccg-env file instead. When I
      change the memory size in ccg-env, it runs to completion (although the
      final tb.xml file is essentially empty).

      Java Out of Memory Error

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