
Compiling a list of cards into a single file

Dylan Eave
  • Dylan Eave

    Dylan Eave - 2008-08-22

    Hi Guys... I am using OpenCards to study for my final medicine exams and I have though of a feature I think may will find invaluable:

    How could I generate a single presentation file with the cards that I am scheduled to learn for the day? I.e. I wish to make a single file that I can view on my cellphone while in stair wells and long boring telephone calls...

    Perhaps OpenCards generates a list of cards somewhere when you click the long-term learning button that could be manipulated to create a single file with the day's cards??

    Any ideas?

    • Holger Brandl

      Holger Brandl - 2008-08-23

      Hi Dylan,

      thanks for your idea. Unfortunately this is currently not possible because of the limited extension interface of OpenOffice.

      By the way: Which cellphone can display Impress-odp files? Actually this was the biggest issue when I tried to port OpenCards to Google Android (a cell phone operating system. 


    • Dylan Eave

      Dylan Eave - 2008-08-26

      Ahh... Ok I was going to go against the grain and convert to ppt files initially.

      But if you could explain to me where and in what format opencards stores the schedule as displayed in the long-term learning, I could try write something... (to make one odp file --> convert to ppt -->> open in MobiSuite)

      Thanking you in anticipation

      Dylan Eave

      • Holger Brandl

        Holger Brandl - 2008-08-26

        Hi Dylan.

        The learning model of each file is directly embedded into the odp-file itself. Technically OpenCards add some custom meta data fields. Because OpenOffice seems to have some problems with large meta data entries the data is additionally zipped. Unless you use the OpenCards API, I can not imagine to obtain the learning model easily.

        To see what I mean just unzip (yes unzip!) an odp-file that you've previously learned with OpenCards, and open the file 'meta.xml'. There's a field called 'opencards_flashcardCollection'. That is it! :-)

        To use the API you need some experience with Java and OpenOffice. Let me know if you need more infos.

        What is MobiSuite? Its website is not that verbose unless you've a login...

        Best regards,

    • Dylan Eave

      Dylan Eave - 2008-08-27

      Hi there Holger...

      Very bizarre sounding I must admit - I will go attempt to unzip an odp shortly...

      My appologies - MobiSuite is an ancient app I used to run on an older Symbian based nokia (Model number slips me).. Mobile Office 4 for Symbian S60 v3 is excellent though, and that would be my app of choice - sorry again...

      Yes.... Ok- I'll go look at the odp shortly- thanks again.

    • Dylan Eave

      Dylan Eave - 2008-08-29


      I see the OpenCards info is useless without the API you described, and given that I myself am but an advanced end user, I can only share my idea-

      OpenCars is definitely my most valuable study tool - Flashcards I have used before, but they get lost and wet and are difficult to organize. !!They are however portable!! - more so than tablet PC's and cheaper! Smart phones could quite easily bridge this gap between extremely effective organization and portability.

      Smart phones running Symbian S60 V3 cost as much as two tanks of fuel here in South Africa - they have screen resolutions of 320 X 240, storage capacity of greater than a GB and can quite easily run PowerPoint presentations full screen. (Size 22 Arial is easily readable)

      I envisage a button on the scheduler which will create a single opd/ppt for the cards for the current day -

      >> Read the info from each card and store it in a temp location (as does the long-term learning scheduler
      >> Using this stored info, open each file, copy the cards scheduled for the current day from each file and paste them all into a new document
      >> Save the new document to a location

      I am one of a few at the University of Cape Town who make use of OpenCards for medical studies – Portability would not only greatly increase the use of OpenCards, but believe it will also indirectly increase the quality of doctor produced by the university. This is a massively powerful tool. Please, Holger – Add a button to your next version… :)

      Dylan Eave

      • Holger Brandl

        Holger Brandl - 2008-09-05

        Hi Dylan,

        is it possible to run OpenOffice on your Symbian S60? If yes, than it's likely that OpenCards could run as well. I've already seen some users using OpenOffice and OpenCards on an Asus EEPC.

        > Add a button to your next version…
        As I've already said: It's not up to me to add such a button but a problem of the OpenOffice programming interface. Afaik OpenOffice does  not support to copy slides from one presentation to another using the extension API and not the mouse.

        Best regards,


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