
photo stacking

  • Bastiaan

    Bastiaan - 2023-06-10


    How about adding photo stacking like help feature?

    I am taking a lot of macro photos but they are most of the time partly/badly focused.

    Would it be an idea to use a mode where I can set the start focus point (manual focus?). Then take x amount of pictures while gradually change focus to the desired end focal point. While being able to change the amount of pictures that are taken.

    With these images I can then later on create the real stacking on my desktop as I do not think the phone is strong enough to preform all these task like allingment and the actual stacking etc. so the feature should be named differently maybe?


  • Mark

    Mark - 2023-06-14


    This sounds like the focus bracketing feature? (Make sure Settings/"Camera API" is set to Camera2 to show this option.)

  • Bastiaan

    Bastiaan - 2023-06-15

    Aah yes! You mean the focus{} option? Thatś what I was looking for indeed.

    I only need to be able to change the amount of pictures taken between source and target. Now it is fixed to 3? Maybe just an extra slider with the amount of pictures will do? Also setting source and target in meters is a bit daunting for macro, I'd love to be able to fine-tune this in millimeters.

    As side comment: I find the sliders (all of them) on the left a bit unhandy as I hold my phone in my left hand and if I want to use a slider I have to go with my hand over the screen and I will not see the effect as my hand obstructs the view. Would it be possible to move them to the right?



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