
OpenBrain / News: Recent posts

Structure in OpenBrain

OpenBrain's development is going to be more rigid, documented, and sturucted from here on, to ensure the most compatibility with the open-source community. The 0.0.2-3 release brings command-like interfacing and things like 'firefox' 'launch firefox' 'start firefox' 'google firefox' or 'google images firefox logo'. Still the development needs help, so don't expect wonders from this project yet. The project isn't very complex at all, just get in touch with for how you can help.

Posted by DrakeJustice 2008-12-29

First OpenBrain Plasmoid Release

In this release the AIML interpretation subsystem was replaced with code derived from the ProgramQ project, to be fully Qt4/KDE4 compliant without the use of external libraries. This release is the first desktop 'plasmoid' widget for the KDE4 desktop. OpenBrain is going to interact in a compliant manner to KDE4 from now on.

Posted by DrakeJustice 2008-12-22

First SourceForge Alpha-Preview Release

Thanks to the great sourceforge for hosting, space, and bandwidth for the OpenBrain projects initial preview release... the actual 'Brain' of the project is still pretty screwed up... It's a frankenstein of AIML code really. An alternative method of AIML organization is being developed alongside the OpenBrain project. Once BrainMap makes a full release, the OpenBrain project will actually become 'intelligent' enough to talk with.

Posted by DrakeJustice 2008-09-18