
OpenBERG, 150 downloads later.

Nearly one week (and 150 downloads) after the release of the first preview version of OpenBERG's cross-platform e-book reading sofware, it is time to draw a few conclusions on the quality of the package. In a few words: the reader behaves as expected, the installer is working, but the build system is badly broken.

Building the Linux version from source has proved a breeze for all who tried. Installing the Linux version using the downloadable installer has proved quite easy, too. Using the Linux version has revealed a number of small bugs, most of which have already been fixed. Bottom line : OpenBerg Reader for Linux is of an acceptable beta-quality.

Windows and Macintosh versions, however, have proved much more problematic. So far, it seems that noone has managed to build Windows or Mac binaries from the source. A number of bugs have been found in the cross-platform build system, most of which are supposed to be fixed, as well as lacks in the documentation. Therefore, it has proved impossible to actually test the Windows or Macintosh versions.

The bottom line is the following:
* the build system is considered alpha lavel
* Windows and Macintosh versions are considered alpha level
* Linux version is considered beta-going-stable level.

Posted by Yoric 2005-07-18

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