
File Format Support  Maximize  Restore

The File Format Support tracker for Open Babel here at
is in read-only mode. It presents the state of
Open Babel file format support tickets in March 2017. Tickets are now
managed at

Go there to submit new tickets, comment on
existing tickets, or follow ongoing efforts
to service the tickets.

Showing results of 55

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
104 Defined partial charges in OBForceField 3.0 open 2019-11-25 2019-11-25  
103 Segmentation fault (core dumped) error while generating 3D coordinates from .sdf files 2.0_alpha/beta open 2019-07-03 2019-07-03  
102 Enumerate atoms when converting sdf to mol2 2.0_alpha/beta open 2018-01-15 2018-01-18  
101 c3xml 2.0_alpha/beta open 2016-07-27 2016-07-27  
100 probelm with converting .res file 2.0_alpha/beta open 2015-08-31 2015-08-31  
99 Support .cxf (Chemical eXchange Format) 2.0_alpha/beta open 2013-06-11 2013-06-11  
93 Support KCF file input None open 2011-08-15 2012-10-23  
92 Conversion from and to SMD (Standard Molecular Data format) None open 2011-08-12 2012-10-23  
91 convert to and from .cfg format None open 2011-01-17 2012-10-23  
88 FHI-aims format None open 2010-02-17 2012-10-23  
87 XTL format None open 2010-01-28 2012-10-23  
86 CRYSTAL'06 2.0.x open 2009-11-15 2012-10-23  
84 Quantum-espresso (pwscf) input None open 2009-11-10 2012-10-23  
82 xcrysden's XSF file format None open 2009-09-18 2012-10-23  
81 add support to input and output of SIESTA None open 2009-05-03 2012-10-23  
80 CPMD None open 2009-04-18 2012-10-23  
78 ORCA output None open 2009-04-01 2012-10-23  
77 ORCA input None open 2009-04-01 2012-10-23  
76 ORCA None open 2009-03-30 2012-10-23  
71 PQR Format Export None open 2009-01-20 2012-10-23  
70 MM3 Input None open 2009-01-20 2012-10-23  
69 ACDlabs .sk2 format None open 2008-11-03 2012-10-23  
68 Convert into Tinker Amber99 parameters None open 2008-09-18 2012-10-23  
67 MOPAC AUX format None open 2008-05-28 2012-10-23  
66 MSI TPL format 2.2 open Geoff Hutchison 2008-05-27 2012-10-23  
  • Ticket Number
  • Summary
  • Milestone
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  • Owner
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