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The Bug Tracker for Open Babel here at
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Open Babel Bug tickets in March 2017. Tickets are now
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Showing results of 242

# Summary Milestone
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Status Owner
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Created Updated
541 Results of obminimize/obenergy differ for MOL/SD files 2.2.x open 2009-08-07 2015-01-12  
539 Incorrect recognition of NC(=N) in MOPAC 2.2.x open 2009-07-29 2012-10-23  
538 Incorrect recognition of S=O group in output from MOPAC 2.2.x open 2009-07-29 2012-10-23  
535 Use of DL flags in Python bindings can cause problems None open Noel O'Boyle 2009-07-27 2012-10-23  
512 MMFF Validation skipped for CUDPAS, VUWXUG 2.2.x open 2009-05-26 2012-10-23  
509 Reading InChI fails silently for metal containing molecules 2.2.x open 2009-05-14 2012-10-23  
507 Can't uninstall trunk None open 2009-05-04 2012-10-23  
493 gaussformat should use high-precision normal modes if there None open Geoff Hutchison 2009-04-07 2012-10-23  
460 CIF Metal-O=C... bond None open 2009-01-13 2012-10-23  
419 SMARTS "X" primitive is wrong for radicals 2.2.x open 2008-07-31 2012-10-23  
361 ConnectTheDots error with small bond angles 2.2.x open Geoff Hutchison 2008-03-23 2012-10-23  
357 Extra H added to [Si] 3.0 open Chris Morley 2008-03-11 2012-10-23  
327 Canonical SMILES marks Se as aromatic None open Craig 2008-01-10 2012-10-23  
243 Advanced SD encoding missing for Au conversion None open 2007-03-20 2012-10-23  
156 Incorrect formal (total?) charge from PDB file conversion None open 2006-05-24 2012-10-23  
134 Disconected residues in mol2 files None open 2006-03-16 2012-10-23  
104 Compressed output unreliable in Windows builds None open Chris Morley 2005-11-19 2012-10-23  
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