From Andrew Dalke:
It seems that GetUMapList interacts with the results of GetMapList.
def test_basic_match_behavior_which_I_did_not_expect(self):
mol = parse_smiles("c1ccccc1O")
pat = parse_smarts("c1ccccc1")
self.assertEquals(pat.NumMatches(), 12)
results = pat.GetUMapList()
self.assertEquals(pat.NumMatches(), 1)
results = pat.GetMapList()
# I really expected the following to be 12.
# It appears the UMapList does an in-place trim.
# XXX Is that the right/expected behavior?
self.assertEquals(pat.NumMatches(), 1)
self.assertEquals(len(results), 1)
pat.Match(mol) # Here they are 12 results = pat.GetMapList() self.assertEquals(pat.NumMatches(), 12) results = pat.GetUMapList() self.assertEquals(pat.NumMatches(), 1) self.assertEquals(len(results), 1)