
Open AS2 Azure Deployment

  • Aamir Hussain

    Aamir Hussain - 2020-05-21

    I am trying to deploy OpenAS2 on azure as a containerized app. Anyone ever deployed OpenAS2 as a containerized app in Kubernet services or Service Fabric?

  • Nick

    Nick - 2020-05-21

    1) OpenAS2 can be run inside a docker container, provided there is no restrictions from JVM, e.g. license, JCE.
    2) Service Fabric or k8s might be more expensive than VM with the same SLA.
    3) Azure has built-in support for AS2 transport. Check Integration Accounts for more details.


  • Aamir Hussain

    Aamir Hussain - 2020-05-21

    Thanks @Nick. Do you have a link which I can use to install OpenAS2 inside a docker container.

  • Aamir Hussain

    Aamir Hussain - 2020-05-21

    Thanks. This helps.

  • Aamir Hussain

    Aamir Hussain - 2020-05-23

    @chris. Do you have a detail document, steps or any link that explain how to download master branch from Git and then deploy that as a docker image. Above link has a very high level script .

  • Javier Munoz

    Javier Munoz - 2020-05-26

    Hi Aamir,
    I made the Dockerfile script. I uploaded a Docker container to Dockerhub

  • Aamir Hussain

    Aamir Hussain - 2020-05-26

    Thanks @Javier. I am able to pull it. What I am looking for is once I receive files from Partner how do I pull those out from container. When you deploy on a VM you provide paths to download your files but how that would work in container.

  • Javier Munoz

    Javier Munoz - 2020-05-26

    Inside the container there are 2 volumes you need to map.
    "/usr/src/openas2/Runtime/config" for configuration files
    "/usr/src/openas2/Runtime/data" for data files
    Also 2 exposed container Ports which are:
    10080 for AS2 receiving
    10081 for MDN receiving

    For example. you could run your container like:
    docker run -it -v $(pwd)/config:/usr/src/openas2/Runtime/config -v $(pwd)/data:/usr/src/openas2/Runtime/data -p4080:10080 -p4081:10081 openas2


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