

Shane Saxon

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Currently in Development:

ANTz GUI Tools are in the making!

Please propose specific functionality here: GUI Tools Discussion

The ANTz GUI Tools represent a unique approach to user interface that is designed to be more intuitive and visually compatible with 3D environments. We are paving the way to full VR and stuff that until now was only dreamed about!

GUI Tools must be intuitive to the user. This means implementing the traditional set of buttons, sliders and text fields. However these will not be window based, but instead object based.

Think in terms of an ANTz Pin in cube form with buttons, sliders, knobs, color wheels and text fields on the various sides of the cube... and yes traditional lists.

[Navigation] mode will include the existing mouse/key cam controls, plus an auto-align to selected GUI surface to allow crisp text. So you click on a text field on the side of a cube and the camera zooms in and aligns itself to fill the screen with the cube facet. This allows for a long list of params with check boxes and traditional side slider to scroll up and down.

I know that sounds fancy and would take forever to implement... Not so, most of the core functionality is already in ANTz and just needs some expansion...

So the question is, what functionality do you want to see first?
ie: control over object color and numeric position...


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