

Shane Saxon

[Home] - [Architecture] - [Development_Strategy] - [Future_Features] - hosted at:

Currently in Development:

[Linux_and_OSX_port] - current OS porting tasks and issues
[Topology_and_Geometry] - rod and graph topo types for creating n-graphs
[IO_Channels] - animate scene using tracks from CSV files
[Database] - Database support for MySQL
[GUI_Tools] - buttons, sliders, knobs, lists and more
[Navigation] - Mouse, Keyboard, 3D input devices
[zSpace] - desktop VR with stereo 3D head-tracking (working) and 3D stylus

Planned for the Future:

[File_Types] - a variety of new CSV files from globals to table translation
[Plugins] - plugin architecture using .DLL (MSW) and .RO (OSX & Linux)
[3D_Models] - load 3D models using Collada, KML, OBJ and 3DS file types
[Geometry] - more geometric primitives, line/point graphs, surfaces, FFT...
[Topology] - more topology types, rod, n-graphs, cone, polyhedron...

[IO_Channels] build-out:
- [Audio] - live capture using system audio
- [Video] - live video capture and file based video
- [TNG3B] - live capture from a myriad of sensors, position, temperature, EEG...
- [Network] - UPD and IP streaming between ANTz systems
- [Cluster] - support for VR cluster environments such as calit2 Star Cave

[GUI_Tools] build-out:
- [Compass] - GUI compass with axes showing coordinates of active object
- [Legend] - defining the meaning of visual cues such as texture, shape, velocity...
- [Selection] - intelligent selection tools utilizing GUI tools and DB queries


Wiki: 3D_Models
Wiki: Architecture
Wiki: Audio
Wiki: Cluster
Wiki: Compass
Wiki: Database
Wiki: Development_Strategy
Wiki: File_Types
Wiki: Future_Features
Wiki: GUI_Tools
Wiki: Geometry
Wiki: Home
Wiki: IO_Channels
Wiki: Legend
Wiki: Linux_and_OSX_port
Wiki: Navigation
Wiki: Network
Wiki: Plugins
Wiki: Selection
Wiki: TNG3B
Wiki: Topology
Wiki: Topology_and_Geometry
Wiki: Video
Wiki: zSpace