

Shane Saxon Lucas Erickson

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Section 8: DataBase (MySQL)

DB support is currently in development. The DB structure mimics that of the CSV node state and channels map files. It is possible to import and export between the DB and the CSV files.

**fMRI high resolution brain slices with color index by Jeff Sale.

Section 8.1: MySQL Install

Download Installer: (Windows 32-bit) (Windows 64-bit)

  • Run Installer
    • Click Next
    • Accept The Terms
    • Click Next Button
    • Click Typical Button
    • Click Install Button (On Windows 7 UAC will popup, click yes to allow)
    • Wait until next screen
    • Click Next Button
    • Click Next Button Again
    • Click Finish Button
    • Click Next Button
    • Click "Standard Configuration" Radio Button
    • Click Next
    • Check "Include Bin Directory in Windows Path" check-box
    • Click Next
    • *Type Root password in box, current hard-coded default is "admin"
    • Type Root password again in confirmation box, remember password!!!!
    • Click Next Button
    • Click Execute Button (if err 1045 then see re-install MySQL)
    • Finish

How to Re-Install MySQL

aka LOST PASSWORD procedure

  • If err 1045 occurs during Execute of 'Apply Security Settings' then to un-install MySQL:

    • Click Skip button
    • Click Cancel Button
  • Start installer

    • Click Remove Button
    • Click Remove Button Again
    • Click Yes Button
    • Click Finish
    • (XP, W2003)Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data
    • (W7 and W8)Go to C:\ProgramData
    • Delete MySQL folder
    • Run installer again
  • If cannot see 'C:\ProgramData' folder then change your widows explorer folder view settings.

  • If folder locked on W7 then try this link.

Section 8.2: DB Usage Tips

1) *Currently only the 'node' state table is supported, text 'tag' table is in progress.

2) SHIFT + '?' key to Save the node state scene. Works just like 'K' key' to Keep a time-stamped DB.

3) '?' (forward slash) key to open GUI console menu loader. Type the menu item# of DB and press 'Enter' to load. Up or Down arrows keys change the menu page if more then 20 databases to display.

4) MySQL ip and password("admin") is hard-coded:
- "antz/code/npio.c"
- void npInitIO (void* dataRef) {
- npInitDbConnection(connect, MySQL, "", "root", "admin", "antz");

Section 8.3: DB Feature Features

  • Support for Text Tags and Track data.
  • Table Map that describes location of all data used or referenced by scene.
  • Externally stored data such as channel tracks, 3D models and textures maps are referenced from the DB using a server address with file path.

Section 8.4: DB Bugs

*DB saving chops off (up to) last 128 nodes... so test with larger datasets...

*after loading a DB use the mouse to click on an object to un-stick the mouse mode!!!

*loading/merging or saving within an antz session works about 2-3 times then de-stabilizes...

See [Tickets - Bugs] for up-to-date details.


Discussion: Database Access
Wiki: Architecture
Wiki: C_API
Wiki: Database_Tables
Wiki: Developer_Guide
Wiki: Future_Features
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Wiki: IO
Wiki: Technical_Architecture
Wiki: User_Manual