

Shane Saxon

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6.1 Mouse

The mouse 'Default Mode' behavior depends on whether an object is picked or the background is clicked-on. Also, the combination of Left and Right buttons being pressed determines the type of movement. Modes include 'Camera Mode', 'Grid Mode' and 'Pin Mode'.

*Multiple new mouse Tool Type have been added, you can use the Mouse (scroll) Wheel to change tools or click on the indicators.

You can select multiple objects by Right-Clicking on them or move them by holding down a mouse button while dragging.

Navigation is performed with a Mouse-Drag that is initiated by a Click-Hold on the scene background, (the grid and its texture map are considered part of the background.)

You can lock the mouse into 'Camera Mode' by pressing 'C' for Camera. To return to 'Default Mode' press 'Tab' which will select the previous Pin. Hide and Info modes are switched ON or OFF using either 'Alt+H' or 'Alt+I' keys.

When in 'Info Mode' a Left-Click on an object will display its Text Tag, multiple L-Clicks will toggle the various info display modes. A Right-Click will hide the tag. Note that you can grab objects by there tags.

In 'Hide Mode' a Left-Click will show all sub-branches, (child nodes,) of the object. Right-Click will hide all sub-branches. To hide a root node you can press 'H' key, (without using ALT.)

6.1.1 Navigation - Mouse

R - Hold on background FLY's camera.
L - Hold on background orbits object in both axes of EXAMINER mode XY
L+R - Hold on background orbits and ZOOMS in and out Examiner mode XZ

Note that it is possible to switch directly between Examiner mode XZ and XY by releasing or pressing the right button while continuing to hold the left button.

6.1.2 Selection - Mouse

Clicking on an object effects its selection state. The currently active object is drawn with a red wireframe around it. If it is part of the selection set then a yellow wireframe is drawn

L - Click on an object NOT selected will select it and unselect all others.
L - Click on an object that IS selected will result in no change.
R - Click on object toggles its selection state on/off.

Depends on whether the node being picked is already selected. Selects a single node when clicking on a node that is NOT already selected. If the node IS already selected then will allow dragging all selected nodes.

Toggles the selection status of the node picked, picking an already selected node will un-select it. You can select multiple objects by clicking on them.

The keyboard can also change the selection state of the active object.

6.1.3 Object Manipulation - Mouse

L - Hold on an object NOT selected will drag only the object, DRAGS in XY.
L - Hold on an object CURRENTLY selected will drag all, DRAGS in XY.
R - Hold on an object DRAGS all selected objects in XZ plane (L-R & Up-Down).

Objects can be moved (translated), rotated and scaled using the mouse. Child nodes behave differently from root pins since they are fixed to there parent. The child can be rotated around it's parent and scaled. Scaling is subject to the active axes ('X' key).

The mouse will effect the entire selection set simultaneously, this allows you manipulate groups of objects.

Object manipulation occurs when then the mouse button is held while dragging.


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