

Shane Saxon

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Appendix A - Command Cheat Sheet

A.1 Mouse

Behaviour is based on the active 'Mouse Tool' mode.
'Default Tool' behavior occurs anytime you turn a tool OFF.

--- Mouse 'Default Tool' behavior (Hide and/or Info tool OFF) ---

L - Click on an object NOT selected will select it and unselect all others
L - Hold on an object NOT selected will drag only the object, DRAGS in XY
L - Hold on an object CURRENTLY selected will drag all, DRAGS in XY
L - Hold on background orbits object in both axes of EXAMINER mode XY

R - Click on object toggles its selection on/off
R - Hold on object DRAGS selected objects in XZ plane (L-R & Up-Down)
R - Hold on background FLY's camera

L+R - Hold on background orbits and ZOOMS in and out Examiner mode XZ

Note that it is possible to switch directly between Examiner mode XZ
and XY by releasing the right button and continuing to hold the left button.

--- Mouse Hide and Info tools ---

ALT+H - toggle 'Hide Tool'
R - Click to Hide ALL sub-branches of selected node
L - Click to Show ALL sub-branches of selected node
4 - Key to Show ALL nodes
~(Tilda) - Key to Hide ALL nodes with branchlevel > 1

ALT+I - toggle 'Info Tool'
R - Click to Hide Info text Tags
L - Click to Show Info text Tags, additional clicks change display mode
4 - key to Show ALL Tags
~(Tilda) - key to Hide ALL Tags

A.2 Keyboard

Numbers, -, +, etc apply to the main keyboard, not the number pad.

A useful 'bug' is to change selection to another object (TAB, New, etc..)
and do this while performing a rotation, it will continue to rotate, also
applies to zoom and translate...

It is possible to press multiple keys at once (3-5 typical depending on the
keyboard and key combo...) So for example, you can do a rotation and zoom
while simultaneously changing the color.

SHIFT - Reverses some functions, speeds up rotation and translation

ESC - Fullscreen Exit
X - change active aXes, for non-uniform scaling, channels, segments

--- Node Creation ---

N - New node, creates nodes, (SHIFT-N to create a new primary torus)
Del - Delete node, deletes active node and all its child branches

--- Selection ---

Tab - select sibling node, (SHIFT+Tab for previous)
Enter - select child node, (SHIFT+Enter for parent)
C - select Camera, repeat to select next camera
G - select Grid, repeat to iterate through grids

4 - select ALL nodes
~ (tilda) - un-select ALL nodes
? - select or unselect currently active object

--- Translate Camera or Objects ---

A - decrease X
D - increase X

W - increase Y
S - decrease Y

E - increase Z
Q - decrease Z

--- Rotate Arrows ---
Arrow Left - rotate left
Arrow Right - rotate right
Arrow Up - rotate up
Arrow Down - rotate down

--- Scale ---
Z - Scale objects up (SHIFT+Z for down) based on active aXes 'X'
note that scaling Z-axis of the root 'G'rid will compact/expand entire scene

--- Topology & Geometry ---
J - Change 'topo' type, also changes the geometry primitive
SHIFT+J - will change the facet (on a cube...)

O (alpha) - Object geometry, does not change the 'topo' type.
R - Ratio sets inner radius of a torus, SHIFT-R to reduce.

Y - Grid Segments, adds (or SHIFT-Y to subtract) 2D and 3D layers effected by the active aXes (Z axis creates 3D grid layers)

--- Color & Transparency ---

'+' (plus) - next color
'-' (minus) - previous color

9 - less opaque (more translucent)
0 (zero) - more opaque (less translucent)

B - Background color, toggle between black and white
R - Rescale normals toggle, effects lighting of scaled objects
8 - change transparency mode (3 alpha modes + none)

T - Texture Map selection (SHIFT-T for previous map)

F - Freeze;
H - Hide;

{ - Low set point (effected by active aXes)
} - High set point

--- Scene Presets ---

5 - Preset 1
6 - Preset 2
7 - Preset 3

--- State Files ---

K - Keep(SAVE) writes a time-stamped ANTzYrMoDaHrMnSe.csv
L - Load CSV file using Open File Dialog

1 - Load ANTZ0001.CSV (SHIFT + 1 to save)
2 - Load ANTZ0002.CSV (SHIFT + 2 to save)
3 - Load ANTZ0003.CSV (SHIFT + 3 to save)

--- Channels File and Assignment ---

P - Load channels file (TNG00001.CSV) for animation
'>' - Channel Up (applies to currently Active aXes)
'<' - Channel Down

spacebar - Pause and Play animation

--- URL recordID Retrieval ---
U - open URL with recordID in a browser

--- GUI Console ---
M - Menu display mode (1, 3, or 40 lines, then off)

--- Info Text Tags ---
I - Info toggle for display of Text Tags (Outline Title, Color Title, Desc)


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