
Open-Home - free home automation / News: Recent posts

1.43 released

- fixed digital-input app
- added output-conditions for event-triggering (!)
- improved event-section of the web-interface

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-12-09

1.42 released - enhanced bool parsing

Fixed some bugs in the server and enhanced parsing of boolean conditions-expression. When i implemented bool patterns for conditions association, i used perl the evaluate the bool expression to a result...well...if you had an action that has no input conditions but time-conditions, the action was checked in every thread-cycle. Well, i found out that calling perl via system command with a delay of 10ms is..not so good ;D ... read more

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-11-06

1.4 released :)

Here we go...changes:
- Refactored event-system: events now consists of actions, input conditions and output conditions. Conditions can be combined by boolean expressions (!!!!!!)
- separate event-section for adding, removing and editing events in the web-interface
- WinRemote Plugin (simple Wrapper, the client-side WinApp will follow within the next days, it's already working but needs a little layout-lifting)
- E-Mail action plugin, supporting sendmail, smtp-auth and pop-before-smtp

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-11-03

Version 1.3b released

We fixed a lot in 1.3b:

- the ping-routine for the controllers has a separate thread now
- fixed some bugs in the ethernet plugin, including one real ugly bug that was responsible for server crashes that occured after some hours of running
- fixed pinging routine
- added direct set-output option to the webinterface

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-10-15

Version 1.3 released

We adjusted the ethernet plugin for better ethernet communication and enhanced the even triggering. We moved the comparsion for events from the even manager to the input plugins. That way a input plugin can add meta-data to the status-byte patterens that are used in the trigger process. The temerpature-input pluing we added in this release makes use of this plugin-driven comparsion, so you can not only define "run if this value is hit"-events but also "run if the status is higher than / lower than"-events. Or whatever you want. One more part plugin'ed :)

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-10-07

Version 1.2 released

I just released version 1.2 of the Open-Home server. You can find the tarball in the files section and the SVN repository has been updated.

- Switched web-interface to thickbox style :)
- Fixed a lot stuff in the app-plugins and the ethernet plugin
- first version tested in real environment (and found stable :))
- updated makefiles
- improved DMX-output configuration
- fixed IR-in plugin

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-10-01

v1.1-build-3 released - cu xcerces, welcome tinyXML

We switched the config-parser/writer from xcerces-c to tinyXML, as we really dont need all the features xceres provides. The good thing: we can ship tinyXML with our package, because it is SO tiny folks.. :)

No more dependencies, ./configure && make && make install should work now without trouble :)

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-07-14

Version 1.1 released

Hi folks, after a long long time we have decided to re-actived this hilarious project. And to prove that we are working again: here is release 1.1 of the server software. Some bugs fixed, some things improved...and, as promised: GNU-conform makefiles :)
Time to run ./configure && make && make install :)

Check the download-page.

I'll check the code into the svn soon, and, if Finn finally agrees to read the svn-tut i wrote for him, there'll be firmware for the micro controllers in the svn within the next days (damn hardware guys and there anachronistic way of development ;D)

Posted by Delf Tonder 2009-06-05

open-home server application 1.0 released

As promised, here are the first files for the open-home project, the server-application itself and a web-interface for using the servers controll-interface. A detailed description of the whole system will follow withing the next weeks, and the hardware-stuff will follow withn 3-4 months.

Posted by Delf Tonder 2008-04-02