
openGPS / News: Recent posts

[openGPS] Linux port/64 bit vers. in progress

The long standing tasks of porting x3p to unix plattforms has been started recently. The build system is going to be converted to cross plattform tool cmake. Additionally the windows 64 bit version is going on. The xsd part has been updated to conform with CodeSynthesis V3.3.

Georg Wiora
Head of openGPS consortium

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2012-04-03

openGPS: New set of sample files available

A new set of sample files has been released to facilitate testing. The Sample set is preliminary and untested yet. Please report any problems on the bug tracker.

Georg Wiora
Head of openGPS Consortium

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2011-06-30

openGPS: Polytec signed Declaration of Intent

The German metrology supplier Polytec GmbH (Waldbronn) [1] is another important player in metrology supporting the openGPS(R) project.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2011-05-18

openGPS: Upcoming consortium meeting

Aside the Met & Props conference [1] at NPL in Teddington, UK, the openGPS consortium members [2] will meet on Thursday, 14th April.


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2011-03-30

openGPS: First draft of ISO25178-72 in Vienna ISO

The openGPS consortium [1] is presenting the first draft of the ISO 25178-72 at the TC213 meeting in Vienna on 5th and 6th February with the title

"Geometrical product specification (GPS) — Surface texture: Areal — Part 72: XML file format x3p"

X3p is yet based on ISO5436-2 which is not describing its implementation in xml. It is also missing some useful extensions already implemented in x3p. Therefore part 72 of ISO 25178 has been created covering all features of x3p.... read more

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2010-02-04

openGPS: X3P goes ISO 25178-72

On the last ISO-meeting the TC213 decided that the X3P data format derived from ISO 5436-2 will get an own standard. It will become a member of the ISO 25178 family: Its new name will be ISO 25178-72.

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS-Consortium)

For more info on the openGPS project see the project website:

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2009-03-23

openGPS: 3rd Consortium Meeting@NPL

The 3rd consortium meeting of the openGPS consortium [1] took place on December 1st at National Physical Laboratory in Teddington (London).

All Presentations can be downloaded from the project website [1].

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2009-01-09

openGPS: PTB and Mahr signed Declaration of Intent

With Germany's national metrology institute "Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt" (PTB) [1] and the German metrology supplier Mahr [2] two very important players in metrology are now supporting the openGPS(R) project.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-10-29

openGPS: Implementation of height parameters finished.

The implementation of height parameters according to ISO 25178-2 [1] has been finished now in the openGPS project [2]. The implementation includes the calculation of the parameters Sa, Sq, Ssk, Sku, Sp, Sv and Sz. Testing of the height parameters is in progress.

Reinhard Danzl

[1] Draft of ISO/TS 25178-2: - Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 2: Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters.

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-09-25

openGPS: First release of X3P-SDK

The openGPS consortium proudly announces the first release of the ISO5436-2 standard X3P file format library!

Georg Wiora
Head of openGPS consortium

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-09-02

openGPS: X3P Round-Robin Test in Progress

After finishing the implementation of the X3P data format, the Round Robin Test of the ISO5436-2 conformant X3P data format has started. The first data files have been exchanged between NanoFocus and Alicona.

Georg Wiora
Head of openGPS Consortium

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-09-01

openGPS: Implementation finished

The implementation of the ISO5436-2 XML data format has been finished now. Alpha testing is in progress. Next step is the creation of an SDK-release and the creation of a step by step guide showing the use application of the data format.

Georg Wiora
Head of openGPS consortium

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-04-15

openGPS: DigitalSurf signed Declaration of Intent

DigitalSurf [1], a leading French manufacturer of surface characterisation software, signed the Declaration of Intent on 28th February 2008 to become an important supporter of the project.

See project web site [2] for more details.

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-02-29

openGPS: Latest News from 2nd Consortium Meeting

Acompanying the "XII International Conference on Surfaces in Chemnitz" the openGPS consortium held its 2nd meeting on January 28th, 2008.

One of the important results of the meeting is, that the consortium will grow by two members who are going to sign the Declaration of Intent soon.
Furthermore the ISO5436-2 XML implementation will be promoted in the next ISO-meeting in march.

The presentations held in Chemnitz are available at the web site [1].... read more

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-02-27

openGPS: Mitutoyo signs Declaration of Intent

The director of R&D of Mitutoy Group [1] signed the declaration of intent to support the openGPS project on 4th January 2008.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2008-01-21

openGPS: Alicona supports the project

Alicona, the Austrian manufacturer of optical 2D and 3D surface metrology systems [1], declared its support for the openGPS(R) project and signed the Declaration of Intent on 10th December 2007.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-12-17

openGPS: First release of ISO5436-2 "X3P" file format

The first alpha version of the X3P file format for surface profile data has been released. "X3P" stands for "XML 3D surface Profile". The package comprises the documentation of the file format and the documented XSD for the XML-part as well as several documented sample files.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-12-11

openGPS: Hommel-Etamic signed Declaration of Intent

The renowned German manufacturer of production measurement technology, Hommel-Etamic [1], decided to support the openGPS(R) project and signed the Declaration of Intent on 7th November 2007.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-11-19

openGPS: NPL and NanoFocus signed Declaration of Intent

The UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL)[1] and NanoFocus [2] (Germany) are the first who signed the Declaration of Intent to support the openGPS(R) project.

See the project web site for more details:

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)


Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-11-08

openGPS: Pseudo Code Implementation of Sa in progress

The pseudo code implementation of the Sa-parameter defined in ISO 25178 has been started by one of the project teams. The implementation will be made in MATLAB code to facilitate the implementation's evaluation. This implementation will serve as a template for the following parameters.

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-10-30

openGPS: Preleminary release of ISO5436-2 XSD

A preleminary version of the file format specification of ISO5436-2 XML has been released. It contains an XSD for the central xml-document as well as the specification for the file container. Two sample files allow a quick look to the final file format.

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-10-24

openGPS: ISO5436-2 XML implementation in progress

The XML-implementation of the data format specified in ISO5436-2 is making good progress. The XSD is almost finshed. A beta release of a library for reading, writing and handling data files, together with sample applications, is planned for December 2007.

Georg Wiora
(Head of openGPS consortium)

Posted by Dr. Schorsch 2007-10-19