
Tree [r2] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 e2mysql 2007-11-04 aussie-alan [r1] Initial version
 e2odbc 2007-11-04 aussie-alan [r1] Initial version
 readme.txt 2007-11-04 aussie-alan [r2] Added readme.txt

Read Me

Open ESQL is an open-source utility for compiling and running C programs with 
embedded SQL on MySQL or any database with an ODBC API.  We initially wrote 
this to compile an application that was written for HP NonStop SQL/MP, but it
should be easy to make this work for Oracle Pro*C, Informix ESQL or DB2 programs.

The best documentation for this is the article we wrote on the MySQL Developer Zone web site, and our presentation from the MySQL user's conference.  I'll upload them to SourceForge once I can convert them to PDF or some other neurtral format.

Please let me know if you have any modifications to share with others.
