
OpenArm / News: Recent posts

OpenArm - Version 0.009 released

This is a significant release, containing both major architectual changes and many new features. See for details.

Posted by Mark Masterson 2005-08-28

OpenArm - Version 0.007 released

Significant performance improvements -- the thing is finally approaching a point where it could be considered usable

Posted by Mark Masterson 2005-01-30

OpenArm - Version 0.006 released

Version 0.005 gets jumped over in this release, but there's a reason for that -- I used the 0.005 tag to demarcate the inclusion of the Xdocs content for the OpenArm project web site ( However, there were no significant changes to the source code for 0.005. It was, therefore, a "documentation only" release, and did not merit a new version of the binaries.... read more

Posted by Mark Masterson 2004-10-30

OpenArm - Version 0.004 released

The SNMP mediator can now support threshold based alerting -- the mediator can be configured to only fire traps when the threshold is exceeded. You can also now configure whether you want traps to fire for blocking events at all or not.

Posted by Mark Masterson 2004-08-29

OpenArm - Version 0.003 released

Added an SNMP transport mediator -- you can use it to send the text of the various transaction events (start, stop, etc.) as SNMP traps. This needs some work still -- need to figure out a way to make it threshold dependent. That would allow you to, for example, only send a trap if the measured response time exceeded some threshold... Still thinking about that...

Posted by Mark Masterson 2004-08-21

OpenArm - Version 0.002 released

Lots of cleanup, code refactoring, some work on the unit tests....

Posted by Mark Masterson 2004-08-15

OpenArm - Initial code base released

The very first, pre-pre alpha version (0.001) of OpenArm has been released! OpenArm is a Java implementation of the ARM (Application Response Measurement) 4.0 standard from the Open Group.

Posted by Mark Masterson 2004-08-13