
#30 No way to provide a commit log entry

Commit (5)

It seems that OOoSVN does not provide any way to write a log entry when committing a new revision. Instead it just always puts "Manual commit". I think this is a bad idea, instead commit should pop up a text box where I can write the description of the change I'm committing and then click OK to do the actual commit.


  • edh

    edh - 2007-07-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    There are curently two different comments used, one for a manual commit and the other for an incremental backup when a save has been automated. The comment is not hard coded into the commit script so could be modified.

    The reason why it's currently set to do two automated messages is because having a manual comment is not what everyone requires and there should always be the option of no user enterable comments as the system should be able to work transparently.

    What I intend to do on this:
    Have a configuration option when the user can select whether they want user enterable comments or automatic ones. This will require working configuration management so is not easily implementable just yet.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't think we need a configuration for that: simply if the user selects "commit" from the menu, ooosvn should prompt her/him for a "commit log message" (which starts out as "Manual commit"): (s)he can just hit RET without changing the text.
    If the commit is done as part of the save, then it's OK to leave it without any particular comment other than one currently used.


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