
#54 Apply properties to all: formulas and charts


Hi Jan!

This is really cool feature you've made!

Tell me please, have you used some of my macros (I've posted here a long ago) or you've made it by yourself?

I propose to implement the same feature for charts. Look, when we isert the new chart (Insert Chart), it is created with some default style settings. I don't know where to change this "default" style in LibreOffice. But I could change style of an existing chart (font, fontsize, colors, transperancy etc) and then apply these settings to all charts in the document.

Also we may create a simple dialog for managing styles for Math nad Chart objects. It is missing in LO/OOO. We may create several themes for Chart (Dark theme, Light theme, Educational theme etc.). And we may set which theme should be applied as Default. Wha do you think?

As an example I post here two nice-looking charts made by me :)

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  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    These examples are unfinished, don't post them anywhere please

    Update. I've found "Formula font" in Settings dialog. This is the similar thing to what I propose for Math object. I propose to improve it. I'd like to create new dialog (or dialogs) for it. And let's name them "Styles". What do you think?


    Last edit: zeon_account_will_be_deleted 2018-08-09
  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Hi Zeon,

    I coded this feature in C++ but I think you gave me the idea with those macros.

    Yes, we can extend the dialog for a styles menu.

  • Jan Rheinlaender

    Implementing styles and templates management for charts is not really iMath responsibility. That should be implemented by the Office developers. See this

    But if it is easy to make the feature "apply formatting to all charts in document" then I will do it. For formulas it was easy, just a loop over all properties of the formula.

  • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

    Hi Jan!

    Thank you for help. But I don't know what to do with the XInterface in LO.

    Anyway I have almost found all of them. You can see it in my macros. But I still have some issues.

    • Jan Rheinlaender

      Hi zeon,

      I implemented the "apply properties" like for your macros.
      Do you only want to copy the "CharFontName" property or any other of the properties in the list?

      That is not a lot of work now to copy other properties as well.

      • Jan Rheinlaender

        Can we close this ticket?

        • zeon_account_will_be_deleted

          Hi, Jan!

          I tested "Apply properties to all" with LO 6 and iMath 2.2.8. It works with math formulas, but doesn't work with charts at all. At least I can't see any difference. What properties of the source chart object can be applied to all the other?

          I don't know if it is some kind of incompatibility or anything else. But in my opinion this feature needs to be fixed or removed from right-click menu.

          As you can see, I haven’t been very helpful lately. So it's up to you, I think.

          • Jan Rheinlaender

            Hi zeon,
            currently it should copy only the CharFontName property of Title, Subtitle, Legend, Axis and Series.



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