
OO C Framework / News: Recent posts


Hey guys, I've decided to strike out on my own a couple of months ago, so I'm learning some other technologies and I have no time to continue developing this library.
If any of you guys is interested in keeping this up, I'll be glad to give you all of the know how you need to extend this framework.

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2012-03-13


Estoy viendo muchos downloads de españa :) dejen comentarios o digan algo jaja tengo poco feedback y quiero ver que les parece la librería, gracias!!

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-11-29 (about Thread.c) <-- Fixed

Hey guys. I've been told that this module throws a message like "can't find wait.h" when trying to compile the lib. In that case, wait.h can be found under sys/wait.h.
I've updated the last release and uploaded the Reference Guide separately in case people just want to know what this lib looks like.

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-07-25 Finally released!!!

Hey guys, I've just uploaded the latest version of the framework.
Take a look at the docs directory, the first version of the reference guide in pdf format (OO C Framework Reference Guide V1.9.2.3.pdf).

I hope it helps!


Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-07-21

about release..

Hey guys, the next release will include the first version of the documentation that I was supposed to deliver along with the first library release (lol). I've been working on the performance in some classes but I haven't finished (not enough time), so I will include just a few improvements + a new class called Out w/just one method (println) to print String objects + some bug fixes that I'll update on the readme file.

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-07-10

last release delayed..

Sometimes I just can't cope w/all the stuff going on at work :)

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-05-30 taking longer than expected..

I'm still astonished by the performance improvements that can be made by simple techniques just googling around a little bit... Love it :)

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-05-21

Still working on version

Pretty focused on performance stuff.. even though i still owe you guys more comments on the code

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-05-12

Working on version but...

I'm not having enough feedback... lol

What are you guys waiting for? :)

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-05-03

Release version (at last!)

Change Log:
.Methods inherited from file class implemented on its subclasses (AfpFile, InputFile, OutputFile, ConfigFile)
.Comments translated to english (not finished yet)
.Indenting and general format changes
.ByteArray: method compareTo() added
.Date: most commonly used date output formats added as methods toYYMMDD()/toMMDDYY and so on.
.String: fix on trim() that was throwing an abort on strings containing only spaces.
.General performance improvements
.makefile for AIX
.Builds for AIX and Cygwin (tested only on winXP) under the following paths: lib/libCFramework- and lib/libCFramework-

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-04-27


Sorry guys I haven't had enough time to upload the latest release, it'll be ready in a few days.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, whatever.. just email me, I promise I'll reply as soon as I can.

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-04-25

Version Release soon

[Probably next week]

Some interesting updates:
.Comments translated to English
.Performance improvements
.Fixes in some portability issues
.A makefile for AIX.
.Demos w/extra help and examples

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-04-12

Comments in code

I will upload the new source files with comments in english (I did it in spanish because I wanted feedback from my coworkers during earlier stages of development and some of them don't speak english) [b]soon[/b].

Posted by Juan M. R. Bressan 2011-03-18