
ooc language / News: Recent posts

ooc 0.2 codename ninja has been released

ooc is an object-oriented programming language which is implemented with a source-to-source translator to pure C99. It supports classes, abstract functions, foreach, ranges, etc. It intends to be modern, modular, extensible, yet simple and fast.

ooc is trying to reconcile high-level concepts from Java/C# and the speed and small footprint of C. It somehow falls into the same category as Vala, except that Vala is based on GLib, while ooc is based only on the standard C library, making it very lightweight.... read more

Posted by Amos Wenger 2009-06-26

ooc v0.1 codename razor is out!

I am very pleased to announce that today, ooc v0.1, codenamed razor (cutting edge!) is out on the shelves!

For those who don't know yet what ooc is, it's as it names suggest, object oriented C with a twist =) An intermediate compiler is used to translate ooc source code to pure C99 code, and then it's up to gcc or whichever C compiler. For more details, feel free to browse the wiki.

So what is in that version? A lot, and I'm just gonna list a few:... read more

Posted by Amos Wenger 2009-05-26