

Just FTR I wanted to make sure nobody thinks the project is going to be dead before being born.
Ive made some nice progress in the framework, and you'll be seeing v1 by november.

I want to state that im not using "linux" versioning style, but a simpler one. So v1 means that "first version".

To the moment the framework includes:
- DB Abstraction (ADODB)
- Templating (Smarty)
- Mail Generation / Personalization
- Form Generation
- Input Validation
- Form "safe-post" code.
- Text "cleaning"
- Mime type "detection" for files.
- DateTime handling
- Graphs Generation
- Config File manipulation

What is missing? 10 more components are planned for v1.

Everything is being tested under PHP5, with ERROR_ALL. So, it will be a really "clean" framework.

Also all classes will be properly docummented and ready to use.

If you have any comments or concerns about the framework, please drop me a line, and if youd like to participate ill be really happy to hear from you.

Best Regards,

Posted by Pablo M 2004-10-11

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