
OOB-n1 PHP5 Framework / News: Recent posts

build 25 released

Today i've uploaded b25, with bastly improved code.

This release brings a whole new set of functionality to the framework, as currency handling, numeric localization, better security, better error handling, and improved speed.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think ;)

Posted by Pablo M 2005-11-16

release 2 (build 25) due soon

Even if it seems like there has been no improovement in the framework since June, that isn't the case.
We are almost ready to release version 2, a couple of months later than expected.
What we are missing is localization stuff, in the sense that all new stuff hasn't been traslated yet.

You can watch the framework at work in

Posted by Pablo M 2005-11-12

Build 11

This new version, is an almost complete v1, as defined by the schedule.
In this version, many areas have better support: like perspectives, modules and URL handling.
- The engine code has been optimized, with a better responsabilites definition.
- Also, the security layer that will be part of v2 has been modeled, and the clases methods enumerated for reference.
(all actual classes on wich the security system will rely, have been adapted, improved or extended to provide those functionalities that the system will need)... read more

Posted by Pablo M 2005-06-06

Build 10

This is really a great day for oob-n1, as this is the first "real" release of the framework. With working functionality, and as something useful for any developer.


Posted by Pablo M 2005-05-25


Well, maybe I just was too optimistic about saying v1 would be by november.
Or maybe is it that i've been investigating the new advantages of php5 to use them on the code.

I decided i'd go with E_STRICT, to make the framework really clean.

Also, after a long thought of how the sys should work, i decided that an exception handler was really needed, so I implemented a very simple one, but that will do the trick mostly.... read more

Posted by Pablo M 2005-02-11


Just FTR I wanted to make sure nobody thinks the project is going to be dead before being born.
Ive made some nice progress in the framework, and you'll be seeing v1 by november.

I want to state that im not using "linux" versioning style, but a simpler one. So v1 means that "first version".

To the moment the framework includes:
- DB Abstraction (ADODB)
- Templating (Smarty)
- Mail Generation / Personalization
- Form Generation
- Input Validation
- Form "safe-post" code.
- Text "cleaning"
- Mime type "detection" for files.
- DateTime handling
- Graphs Generation
- Config File manipulation... read more

Posted by Pablo M 2004-10-11