wqdgdd - 2019-01-28

Excuse me, i want to use https(TLS) to commitcate with my server.
Now ,my step is as following:
1,start a http server use port 80.
2,,for odm,first i change Networking settin.
set http:disable
3,then on "certificates" tab ,i upload the cacert.pem.
4,on server side i give back certificate id,and the public key(fill the structure).
and set the certificate status true.
5,after that i use soap_ssl_accept to get the message from odm.(still use 80 port)
6,i thought odm should use https(TLS) to connect to my server.
but i was wrong,it still use http to connect.

  my questions is :
  Does my step wrong?could you kindly show me the detail steps and the conditions.
  thank you very much!!