
Project status update

You may have noticed that it's been awhile since the last project update. Since the last release, I've graduated from the program where I had worked on it, and the programming language in which it was written--JavaFX--has also graduated. At the latest JavaOne conference, JavaFX graduated from version 1.3 to 2.0 and left behind its old roots in the JavaFX Script language to adopt a new language, FXML.

So where does that leave On The Mark? The original language behind the application may have disappeared, but not entirely. Instead it's been re-adopted as Visage with new and active development. Visage is the new home for the original JavaFX Script, currently in early stages but with a new preview release apparently in the works.

My plan for On The Mark is to port it to Visage so that it can continue development using an actively supported language. For now, the video controls no longer work, as the required library is no longer available. The program continues to launch, and the image tools still do work. I've also posted an updated launch file (On The Mark 1.3) to fix sporadic launch failures.

If you have any feedback on the project or would like to get involved, please contact me. On The Mark is at an important transition point, and I'm all ears for your ideas. Thanks!

Posted by David Young 2011-10-20

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