
Online Text Editor (OnText) / News: Recent posts

Base architecture

Hello all,

I've finally started to put files into's CVS server. So far I am working on the base architecture for the program.

I am hoping to be finished by next week before school starts. I will be working on this daily until then.

I have already identified the key requirements for OnText, the main one being:
"core functionality should not require JavaScript nor Cookies". So it will be mostly be based on the serverside with PHP more than it was in the previous release.... read more

Posted by Suraj Kurapati 2003-07-18

CVS source upload

I will upload the source to's CVS server in the following week. Development will continue in the coming weeks.

I plan to add a bit of file management:
- make/delete directories
- download selected directories and files in a zip file
- documentation


Posted by Suraj Kurapati 2003-04-20