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XMM to NMJ conversion

System requirements: Windows 32-bit

If you want to convert your XMM move/series information, start the onex² windows tool:
Screenshot of the onex conversion tool

  1. Select the XMM database file

  2. Choose your drive:
    Movie files stored on one single drive:
    just select the drive letter from the list
    Movie files stored on several drives: web front-end only:
    it is sufficient to choose "All" from the drive list.
    Movie files stored on several drives: using Popcorn Hour NMJ:
    If you plan to use the resulting database together with the built-in NMJ of the Syabas Popcorn Hour C200, choose the drive letter representing the share.

  3. Select the target database:
    Please choose the NMJ database. If you don't have one yet, you can find an empty one in the provided zip file. Please extract it into a separated folder including sub-folders.

    Movie files stored on several drives: using Popcorn Hour NMJ: Because of current NMJ limitations, you will need a separate database for each share of the Popcorn Hour.

  4. Please backup your media.db file before starting!!

  5. There are more options to choose from, but basically you are ready to START now.


System requirements: Syabas Popcorn Hour C200 (or NMJ compatible NMT)

Using the generated database with NMJ is quite simple:

  1. PC: Copy the 'nmj_database' folder to the route of the popcorn drive/share where the movie files are stored
  2. Popcorn Hour: Configure the NMJ database update as 'manual'
  3. Popcorn Hour: Navigate to the route of the drive/share (the 'nmj_database' folder will be hidden)
  4. Popcorn Hour: Press the red button on the remote (sometimes twice)
  5. Enjoy


System requirements: PHP5

If you have a web server with PHP5 you can use the provided script for displaying your collection on-line:

Screenshot of the carbon template Screenshot of the carbon template:details Screenshot of the carbon template: series details Screenshot of the std template

  1. PC: Copy the content of the 'web'-folder to a php5 capable web server
  2. PC: Copy the 'nmj_database' folder into the same directory
  3. Call the index.php and ... Enjoy