
Tree [d9edc1] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 Mac 2009-09-27 culler@marc.local culler@marc.local [5c0321] Add directory Mac for building a standalone OS ...
 Win32 2009-09-28 culler@trey culler@trey [d9edc1] Added Inno script. Removed easy_install requir...
 LICENSE 2009-09-24 culler@marc.local culler@marc.local [59fc6d] README file added. Minor cleanup.
 README 2009-09-24 culler@marc.local culler@marc.local [59fc6d] README file added. Minor cleanup. 2009-09-26 culler@marc.local culler@marc.local [8621af] Allow adding competitors while entering race re... 2009-09-28 culler@trey culler@trey [d9edc1] Added Inno script. Removed easy_install requir...

Read Me


OneDesign is a regatta scoring program intended for one design sailboat racing.
It manages scoring and distribution of results for an arbitrary number of one
design classes.  It does not support handicapping sytems.  The current version
of the software supports only the RRS low point scoring system, with any
number of throwouts.

The program consists of a single python module which depends on the
wxPython extension.  Standalone binary packages for Windows and
Macintosh systems are, or will be, available.

The code is being developed under version 2.6.2 of the Python language
and version 2.8.10 of the wxPython extension.

This program is distributed under the BSD license.  See the attached
licence file for details.  Source code and binaries are available
from sourceforge:

Copyright (C) Marc Culler, 2005-2009.