
#24 STRIPES ActionResolver fails to find ActionBeans

David Wade

Have built an application using one-jar that embeds jetty and a web application that uses the STRIPES MVC framework.

When the application starts up it fails to find any classes that implement ActionBean. If I run the application without one-jar, it works perfectly.

I turned on the INFO logging and I can see STRIPES calls findResources("com.blah.blah") and I can see the list of jars being searched for that package, however, the jar file that contains those classes (and includes my main entry method) is not in the list.

Let me know if you need more, or an example application with ant script and I will provide.

I have a work around (built my own ActionResolver that exposes the method addActionBean).


  • P. Simon Tuffs

    P. Simon Tuffs - 2010-05-31

    Hello David: apologies for how long it has taken to get around to scrubbing the One-Jar Bug list but I'm actively working on a new release (0.97). If you can provide me an example of this problem I'll try to look at it.

  • P. Simon Tuffs

    P. Simon Tuffs - 2010-05-31
    • assigned_to: nobody --> simontuffs
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • P. Simon Tuffs

    P. Simon Tuffs - 2010-06-15

    I took a quick look at One-Jar with embedded Jetty, and I can't make their classloaders play well together at all. I took Jetty 6.1.15 and the stripes-example.war, set up a main program to deploy the war (with and without exploding it), and either way One-Jar was unable to resolve classes needed by the servlet container (under either WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes). I'm not sure how you got your system working, but this looks like its beyond the scope of 0.97 so I'm postponing it.

    If you are still interested in this issue and can get me a working project in the next week (at least working except for your mod. to the Action Resolver), then I'll take another look at it. Othehwise, 0.97 will be complete at the next RC (7), and will release next week.


  • P. Simon Tuffs

    P. Simon Tuffs - 2010-06-15
    • status: open-accepted --> open-postponed

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