Activity for One-JAR(TM)

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #69

    FWIW, I've now fixed a couple more things and revamped the build in the above fork to use gradle and published to maven central. Simon, you're totally invited to join my repo a maintainer, and we can move back to the one-jar name if you are willing to release it under a pure MIT or Apache 2.0 license rather than your customized license. The fact you trademarked One-JAR and included that trademark in the license notice that must be reproduced is awkward. Since you hold the copyright for the original,...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck created ticket #77

    No support for Multi-Release Jars

  • Moritz Zanger Moritz Zanger modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi there! I am currently trying to deploy a Java Project with oneJar using ant. I am faacing a problem where I keep getting an error message, telling me the Instanciation of a Rangeslider class from the controlsfx library failed, since it couldn't find the css files (as shown in attachment) I doublechecked and the resources are located exactly where the stylemanager is looking for them inside the referenced library jar. I also tried building a runnable JAR with eclipse and the controlsfx package...

  • Moritz Zanger Moritz Zanger modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi there! I am currently trying to deploy a Java Project with oneJar using ant. I am faacing a problem where I keep getting an error message, telling me the Instanciation of a Rangeslider class from the controlsfx library failed, since it couldn't find the css files (as shown in attachment) I doublechecked and the resources are located exactly where the stylemanager is looking for them inside the referenced library jar. I highly suspect the Rangeslider class in the controlsfx library to use getResource().toExternalForm...

  • Moritz Zanger Moritz Zanger posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi there! I am currently trying to deploy a Java Project with oneJar using ant. I am faacing a problem where I keep getting an error message, telling me the Instanciation of a Rangeslider class from the controlsfx library failed, since it couldn't find the css files (as shown in attachment) I highly suspect the Rangeslider class in the controlsfx library to use getResource().toExternalForm and was wondering if this is something I can fix, so my GUI loads properly when deployed with oneJar Thanks...

  • P. Simon Tuffs P. Simon Tuffs posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    yes. I believe this page describes what you need:

  • Jochen Wiedmann Jochen Wiedmann posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am launching my application from the command line, which works fine. Suggest, that ny main class is, which is invoked from OneJar. Is it possible to add, and let OneJar know, which of the two launchers to choose? Thanks, Jochen

  • David Sonne David Sonne modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to this stuff and having trouble following the command line approach as detailed on the main page. Trying to do the command line approach 1) Downloaded one-jar-boot-0.97.jar 2) created a dir called "root" 3) two sub directories; lib & main 4) copied the dependant JAR files into lib 5) copied my program jar "rackserials.jar" into main - manifest for this jar (working) is simply "Main-Class: tdms.rackserials"...

  • David Sonne David Sonne posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to this stuff and having trouble following the command line approach as detailed on the main page. Trying to do the command line approach 1) Downloaded one-jar-boot-0.97.jar 2) created a dir called "root" 3) two sub directories; lib & main 4) copied the dependant JAR files into lib 5) copied my program jar "rackserials.jar" into main - manifest for this jar (working) is simply "Main-Class: tdms.rackserials"...

  • Kelly Beard Kelly Beard posted a comment on discussion Help

    Using this java -Done-jar.verbose=true -jar CashCardUpdate.jar I get a lot of output. :-) It certainly looks like all of my classes and then dependent jars are being loaded. I think I'm misunderstanding something here. I thought I was supposed to be able to drop-in my Java code, which already has a main class and then run the one-jar-appgen and it would automatically load my main class and run that. Using your tips, Simon, if I do this: java -Done-jar.main.class=com.quikq.ica.CashCardUpdate -jar...

  • P. Simon Tuffs P. Simon Tuffs posted a comment on discussion Help

    there are levels of verbosity you can enable to show the inner workings, check the docs, but -Done-jar.verbose=true may give you more insight. good luck.

  • Kelly Beard Kelly Beard posted a comment on discussion Help

    The manifest at the root level did have this in it Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.6 Created-By: One-Jar 0.97 Ant taskdef Main-Class: com.simontuffs.onejar.Boot One-Jar-Main-Class: com.quikq.ica.main.CashCardUpdateMain

  • Kelly Beard Kelly Beard posted a comment on discussion Help

    Maybe this is a clue, but the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF inside of main/main.jar has no information in it. 0 bytes.

  • Kelly Beard Kelly Beard posted a comment on discussion Help

    Incidentally, some examples of how I am calling this: java -jar CashCardUpdate.jar CashCardUpdate main entry point, args=[] CashCardUpdate main is running CashCardUpdate OK. java -jar CashCardUpdate.jar CashCardUpdate CashCardUpdate main entry point, args=[CashCardUpdate] CashCardUpdate main is running CashCardUpdate OK.

  • Kelly Beard Kelly Beard posted a comment on discussion Help

    My first stab at this. I think I'm doing everything correctly according to the directions, but I am most surely not. My resulting one-jar has all of the dependent jars in it and the main/main.jar has all of the classes that are part of my application, so I have reason to believe that the build process is correct. Buildfile: /home/gitlab-runner-fps-ICA/bnadev/PROD/CashCardUpdate/build.xml clean: mkdirs: [mkdir] Created dir: /home/gitlab-runner-fps-ICA/bnadev/PROD/CashCardUpdate/test-results [mkdir]...

  • Gloria Adam Gloria Adam posted a comment on discussion Help

    Working on getting one-JAR setup my first time. Seems to build okay, but when I go to run my new JAR file, I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at

  • rrick88 rrick88 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found the issue, I was not including th '.' at the end of this line root; jar -cvfm ../one-jar.jar .

  • rrick88 rrick88 posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, When I compile using one-jar .097, the final file is only 1 kb. A few weeks ago I was able to create a OneJar.jar file successfully. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.. Any help is greatly appreciated! I have my working directory set as d:\JavaTemplate I have created d:\JavaTemplate\main & d:\JavaTemplate\lib I put my Netbeans compiled .jar file in d:\JavaTemplate\main I put my library .jar file in d:\JavaTemplate\lib I copied one-jar-boot-0.97.jar to d:\JavaTemplate I run the command to...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #69

    This of course is in no way official, but I had to fix another problem I ran into,...

  • W.Klaas W.Klaas created ticket #76

    filename in maven plugin creates an unreadable zip

  • jklap jklap posted a comment on ticket #69

    Any chance we'll have an official GitHub repo anytime soon?

  • Ken Hancock Ken Hancock modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion fine, I had a log4j.xml configuration error.

  • Ken Hancock Ken Hancock posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Has there been any movement on how to get the log4j.xml configuration file to be...

  • hkais hkais modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have a bigger delivery and my jar files are probably duplicated (due to maven/ivy)....

  • hkais hkais posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have a bigger delivery and my jar files are probably duplicated (due to maven/ivy)....

  • Jeff Hill Jeff Hill modified a comment on discussion One-Jar 0.97

    We are using One-Jar to deploy a Spring Batch application running within an Active...

  • Jeff Hill Jeff Hill posted a comment on discussion One-Jar 0.97

    We are using One-Jar to deploy a Spring Batch application running within an Active...

  • One-JAR(TM) One-JAR(TM) released /OldFiles/one-jar-src-0.9.jar

  • One-JAR(TM) One-JAR(TM) released /OldFiles/license.txt

  • One-JAR(TM) One-JAR(TM) released /OldFiles/one-jar-example-0.9.jar

  • One-JAR(TM) One-JAR(TM) released /OldFiles/one-jar-boot-0.9.jar

  • kumar kumar posted a comment on discussion Help

    iam very new to java. please help me. is this because of java version iam using....

  • James Woods James Woods created ticket #14

    Patch to make One-Jar work with jsvc on Linux

  • rcoe67 rcoe67 modified a comment on discussion Help

    Found the problem and it's actually unrelated to the multithreaded behaviour of my...

  • rcoe67 rcoe67 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Found the problem and it's actually unrelated to the multithreaded behaviour of my...

  • John Anderson John Anderson posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am considering using One-Jar as an approach to handle detecting compatible JVMs....

  • rcoe67 rcoe67 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here's a screen cap of the stack showing the logger hierarchy. The references are...

  • rcoe67 rcoe67 posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have an app that displays strange logging behaviour. My slf4j logging statements...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck modified a comment on ticket #69

    Oh there absolutely is value in maintaining this in my opinion. (and possibly this...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #69

    Oh there absolutely is value in maintaining this in my opinion. (and possibly this...

  • P. Simon Tuffs P. Simon Tuffs posted a comment on ticket #69

    I was considering migrating to SVN for a long time, but now a move to GitHub would...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck modified a comment on ticket #69

    Ok, patches don't get much simpler than this :) Hope you can get it in there soon....

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #69

    Ok, patches don't get much simpler than this :) Hope you can get it in there soon....

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #69

    I guess that's only fair :) it is open source. Not sure if can commit myself to anything...

  • P. Simon Tuffs P. Simon Tuffs posted a comment on ticket #69

    I'd welcome anyone to step up and become a committer on one-jar, I don't have the...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck modified a comment on ticket #69

    This one is really really irritating me. One of my most common use cases for one-jar...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #69

    This one is really really irritating me. One of my most common use cases for one-jar...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on discussion Help

    Seems this is likely to be related to my recently reported issue:

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck modified a comment on ticket #75

    oops forgot to mention the version of onejar in use... buildscript { repositories...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck modified a comment on ticket #75

    oops forgot to mention the version of onejar in use... buildscript { repositories...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck modified a comment on ticket #75

    oops forgot to mention the version of onejar in use... buildscript { repositories...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck posted a comment on ticket #75

    oops forgot to mention the version of onejar in use... buildscript { repositories...

  • Gus Heck Gus Heck created ticket #75

    More classloading issues

  • Francis Galiegue Francis Galiegue posted a comment on ticket #69

    Hello, Even though the last update is several months old, I second that. Silent mode...

  • Erik Allik Erik Allik posted a comment on ticket #61

    This seems definitely related:

  • fsogni fsogni posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi all, I would like to create a standalone jar that works as a library. Basically...

  • Eirik Lygre Eirik Lygre posted a comment on ticket #74

    Btw, the following might actually be enough to make things work, though I'm not entirely...

  • Eirik Lygre Eirik Lygre created ticket #74

    OneJar thread context classloader handling does not work properly

  • David Ehrmann David Ehrmann created ticket #13

    JarClassLoader.getResource() returns URL for unloadable resources

  • Jess Balint Jess Balint posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I'm getting a stack overflow if my jar (created by one-jar) is signed. The stack...

  • Jonas Olsson Jonas Olsson created ticket #8

    Default behaviour should hide One-JAR from sight

  • Claude N. Warren, Jr. Claude N. Warren, Jr. created ticket #73

    classLoader.getResources(path) fails to return resource URL